"Aren't you two the cutest," she replied, smiling at us. Somehow I could tell that someone had told her the same thing when she was with the guy she loved. I could also tell she still loved him and he loved her too. I had no idea how I could tell all this by just looking at her face, it was probably just a girl thing. "Well if you want to walk a dog, you can take one each, and I'll need one of your driver's licenses. Once you decide what dog you want to take, Daniel over there will take you to the dog walk area."

I glanced over at Daniel, he was quite attractive if I did say so myself. I looked back at the woman, her name was Kelly. Just the way she'd said his name, I took a wild guess that she was in love with him, and he was in love with her, and I hoped that some day I would have that sort of love.

Brandon took my hand and tugged me towards the barking sound. We entered the area and saw rows and rows of kennels. My heart felt heavy as I wished that I could let all of these dogs into a field with flowers and sunlight. And I wished that at the end of the field, there was a person just waiting for them to love them forever.

Most of the barking stopped when the dogs saw us. They stuck out their tongues and wagged their tails. Brandon walked towards a large white dog, his face was lit up and I smiled just looking at him so happy. Then I saw a medium sized dog, an Australian shepard with the most beautiful blue eyes. It was running around in it's cage, not that it had much space to run. It jumped back and forth, from one side of the cage to another, but as soon as I stuck my hand in the cage and laid it on the dog's head, it stopped jumping and sat down, staring at me. Even though I wanted to take home every dog, this dog was scared, but it trusted me. So I told Daniel I wanted to take that dog for a walk.

"Bear? He's a good dog, he was abused before though, so you'll have to be careful."

"I will," I promise.

Brandon and I walked the dogs around and they started growing on us more and more. Bear was insecure, but that was the kind of dog I needed, I needed to look after someone. All my life, my parents had watched over me so closely I had no room to mess up. And Brandon was extra security, I needed to watch over someone, to keep them safe.

"Mom, I'm at the animal shelter and I really like this dog named Bear-"

"I'll be right over," she replied, taking me by surprise. I opened my mouth and when I finally think to say something she's already hung up.

When she got to the animal shelter, she met Bear.

"Be careful, Mom. He was abused, he's insecure."

She didn't respond and I started getting nervous. My mom had never been an animal person, I was completely surprised when she didn't say no in three seconds. When Daniel brought out Bear, my mother squatted down and stuck her hand out. I couldn't understand how she could squat in heels like that. Bear cautiously walked over and sniffed her, he nuzzled her and she stroked his head gently. His stubby tail wagged and his eyes shone. When Bear licks her face, she looks up at Daniel. "We'll take him."

And that was how I got Bear. I had never known my mother had been an animal person, she was so proper and clean. I was even more surprised when she adopted Brandon's white dog too. Star was her name, she was white and her eyes were deep brown and they twinkled. We were about to leave when we heard a screeching yowl and my mother rushed towards the cat room. It had been a small grey kitten. My mother couldn't resist and got her, her name was Olympia. I was excited to go home and have a house full of animals.


I woke up in my bed, Bear had been in my bed when I'd fallen asleep and he was gone. "Bear?" I called.

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