Chapter 2

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The next morning I was extremely confused, as you would expect. When Brandon came downstairs, he winked at me. And for some reason when he kissed me again I didn't pull back. I mean, there was no way Avery would find out, and if this wasn't even real, it didn't matter. Right? But they were both so real, is Avery alive and Brandon is just a dream? Maybe Brandon's real and I miss Avery so much he's in my dreams. There were only two options, but who was I supposed to choose? I mean, I could ruin my real life with my dream life. I couldn't risk that, I had to figure this out.

"Today is Sunday," I said, to no one in particular.

Brandon heard me, which wasn't unusual since he was sitting right next to me. "Yes, and yesterday was Saturday," he replied, scooting closer to me.

"Tomorrow is Monday," I said, wrinkling my forehead.

"Right again," he said, smiling. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Monday means school," I groaned.

"Raina," he laughed, "It's Christmas break."

"Are you su- Oh yeah.."

"Oh dear Lord, help this girl," he mumbled, looking up at the ceiling.

"Hey," I joked, slapping his arm. "I'm not that bad."


"What should we do?" I asked him.

"Well, we could go ice skating-"

"LET'S GO!" I interrupted.

"-If it wasn't 60 degrees outside," he finished.

"Oh yeah.. Well that's stupid.."


"I'll get dressed," I say and hop off the couch.


After the movies, we go to get some ice cream, since it's so warm. I start to wish I had worn shorts instead of my skinny jeans.

"$4.89," the guy behind the counter said. I was pretty sure that that was Josh, he was a year ahead of me, I'd seen him in school.

Brandon handed him the money and turned towards me. He slipped his arm around my waist when we got outside and we walked down the sidewalks, looking at all the Christmas displays. I saw an animal shelter on the corner and shoved the rest of my ice cream in my mouth. I heard Brandon running behind me as I raced toward the door.

"Peassseeee?" I asked him, I made my puppy eyes.

"Let's go," he laughed, pushing open the door, but it didn't open.

"Aw. It's closed," he said, fake pouting.

"Now see, there's this word here right above the handle for people like you. Now see what it says, it says P-U-L-L. Pull. That means you PULL the door. Not PUSH," I told him, smiling and pointing.

He opened his mouth then closes it again. "Whatever," he finally said.

I laughed and pulled the handle. A wave of cool air hit me as I walked in. I had no idea what I really wanted to do, I had just sort of.. walked in.

"Can I help you?" the woman at the desk asked us. She looked young, maybe in her late 20's, early 30's. I smiled, I admired that a girl with so much life to live worked at an animal shelter. I wished I loved animals that much.

I opened my mouth but Brandon replied first. "Would you allow us to walk some dogs?"

I smiled at him and he slid his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

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