When we finally stopped, I noticed we were in a corner of the room with a large couch and a bunch of people- mostly girls, around it.

"Graceballlsssss!!" Ryan pushed the girl who was grinding on him lap off and crashed into me; nearly squeezing the life out of me "You camee!!!"

I laughed and hugged him back. He always made me feel much better "I had to, I missed you."

Ryan had been mysteriously absent from school the day before and when I asked Grey about it, he had just said he had some things to do.

I noticed both Grey and the girl Ryan had pushed off glaring at us so I released him.

"I knew you would. I know you can't survive without me."

"You wish." I teased.

Grey sat on the couch and I moved to sit beside him but he pulled me into his lap.

"Hi Tamara" Mace smiled at me "What do you want to drink?"

There was a cooler on the table in front of us full of drinks. "I don't know. A soda?"

He fished into the cooler and handed me a Sprite with a red cup and then gave Grey a beer.

"Nah. I have to drive Gracie home"

"Whipped." A boy whose name I didn't know coughed and everybody burst out laughing.

"Yeah I am whipped." Grey admitted, kissing my cheek and making me blush like mad.

I noticed a lot of the girls around shooting daggers at me but I really didn't care anymore.

I leaned into Grey's chest and watched the crowd. Most people were wearing some kind of costume which hadn't even occurred to me. Most of the girls went with some kind of 'slutty' themed costume. A slutty nurse, a slutty teacher, a slutty police officer... And I noticed a lot of the boys had fangs and claws so I assumed they had decided to do some kind of wolf costume.

There were a lot of people grinding on each other on the make-shift dance floor. In the corners of the room, people were making out and others had gone a lot farther than just making out.

I quietly sipped my Sprite, tuning in and out of the conversation Grey and the people around us were having. To be honest, I was bored.

"I'm going to the bathroom" I whispered to Grey, climbing off his lap.

"I'll come with you" he said, immediately standing up too.

"Don't worry, I won't be long."

He looked doubtful "Okay, third door to the left that way"


I weaved through the crowd and quickly found the room. I did my business and washed my hands before heading out of the bathroom.

"Hi" there way a guy leaning on the wall outside.

I sent him a small smile and turned to go back into the living room but he grabbed my hand and my stomach tightened in fear.

He pushed me only the wall and hovered over me "Wait. Where are you hurrying off to?"

Fudge, fudge, fudge. We were the only ones in this hallway and I knew even if I screamed, nobody would be able to hear me because of the loud music.

I brought my knee up and rammed it hard in between his legs. His grip on me loosened a little and I quickly slipped away but he recovered quickly and slammed me back against the wall.

"You bitch, you'll regret that."

"I haven't seen you around before" his breath was hot against my face. I felt his fingers start trail up my thigh and I felt like throwing up.

"My boyfriend will not be happy with this" My voice came out stronger than I thought it would be.

His hand was under my dress now, trailing steadily up but be stopped for a second and peered at something on the side of my neck before continuing. "Ah but, you see, I can't just let a pretty human like you go."

I closed my eyes, feeling hot tears roll down my face.

Suddenly, he was gone. I opened my eyes to find Grey dragging him out into the living room.

This is bad.

I hurried after after him but by the time I got to the living room, he was already going out the sliding doors.

The music in the living room had stopped and people were streaming out after Grey.

By the time I was able to push my way to the front of the crowd, Grey had punched the boy a few times.

I rushed towards him "Grey please, he's drunk. Just let him go."

He froze when I touched him and looked at me, his eyes were pitch black and he was breathing heavily.

He released the boy from him grip and gathered me into his arms. "Let's go inside."

We turned and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yeah back out like a pussy. The bitch deserved it and a lot worse is coming to her."

Grey stiffened and left my side. He walked until he was in front of the boy again. "What did you say?"

The boy smirked, he really didn't know when to quit did he? "She is going to die."

Suddenly I heard a roar and clothes shredding. I watched in utter shock as right in front of me, my boyfriend became a wolf.

Well that happened. 😁

Luna Grace [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt