Chapter 9

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3rd pov

Skip to the last day of middle school cuz..why not btw izuku stays in his demon from most the time sence he learnd to control it

Izuku woke up like any other the sound of screaming 'seriously what is my life..?' He thought as he was walking down stairs to shut his 'alarm' off by hitting it over the head. After leaving a crying Hizashi on the floor of the living room he walked to the kitchen, " hey dad..! Schools finally over an i dont have to worry about my bitch teatcher anymore!" He says as he pours himself coffee "ya shes finally out of our hair.." Aizawa replied with a sigh at the end. Hawks came down and poured himself orange juice from the fridge and grabbed the cereal and ate it dry, "hey! Why are you eating it dry!?" Hizashi said after recovering from his hit, "hm..? Because one made breakfast" he says kinda creepily tilting his head "your graduating middle school dont you think you should know how to cook your own food!?" He said in slight worry for his kids future hawks thought for a while before saying "nah.....i got long as take out exists im all good" "e-eh no-" hazashi was cut of by a loud bang on the door. Already know who it is izuku rushes over after his 10th cup of coffee, 11th in hand, opens the door and says "kacchan!" With his usual amazing smile on his face. Katsuki slightly blushed and said "hey deku!" And looked behind him to see hizashi hawks and aizawa, with a smug look on his face he said "sup' eye bags, speaker and bird brain!" "Hey im not a speaker!" Hizashi yells back "and im not a bird brain!" Hawks protests " name was pretty spot on.." Aizawa says taking a sip of his coffee. "Izu how is an angel like you friends with this demon!?" Hizashi yells in disbelief, before izu could answer bakugo does "hes not my friend hes my boyfirend~" izuku blushes and says "k-kacchan..we were five.."(hehehe sorry not sorry) "so your braking up with me then~?" He says smugly "WHEN THE HELL DID I SAY THAT!?" Izuku yells back only riseing bakugos pride, "so you are my boyfriend~?" He says smirking "y-yes just shut up!" Izuku says blushing like crazy " before you start making out you stil have school even if it is the last day" aizawa says giving off a slight smirk "D-DAD!!" Before he could continue aizawa uses his capture gear and grabbs everyone shoving them in the car.

At school

Izukus pov

(Izuku was in his demon form)

"Hey izuku how you and your faggot dads doing huh~? I bet your just as gay as them aint ya~!?" ' oh god these guys again..' "Just go fuck yourself jackass! And ya so what if im gay!? I could change your fate with the snap of my finger so i suggest you back the hell up!!" I spat as i walked away. Later in class the teacher was talking, me being me only tuned in when i heard him say "not its time to think about our futures..but to save paper ill just give you all UA slips since in know thats were you wanna go!" "Right..midoriya..?" He said smugly,he knew i wanted to be a hero and he knows what i went through as a kid, he always said that sence i was a villains experiment i should be a hero, i was about to answer untill i heard kacchan "oh fuck off! Dont slump me, deku and hawks with these extras! Wer the only obes who have a real chance at making it anyway!" "O-oh right bakugo..!" The teacher studderd he was scared of kacchan for good reasons to, in the beginning of the year the teacher told me to dress as a sailor and treat him right, i stated to have a panic attack..i still do when the wrong people get to touchy. School was out and me kacchan and hawks were walking together, "hey guys wanna go to a restaurant theres a really good one in the next city!!" I said excitedly "ya sure nerd~" kacchan said making me blush slightly "can i get chicken..?" Hawks asked "u-um ya sure know thats canni-" i was cut off by kacchans hand on my mouth "shhhh dont ruin the fun~" i nodded and he let my mouth go. "Lets fly it'll be fun to stretch our wings right hawks!!" "Ya ill race you and i win your being me food for a week!" He said smirking "oh ya well if i win you cant eat chicken for a 3 days!" I said smirking back "wait...THATS COLD!"  I laughed but before i could say anything else kacchan interrupted "EHM! i cant fly dumbasses!!" I them tapped his shoulder and yellow eagle wings grew out of his back "WHAT THE HELL!!- WHERE DID THOSE COME FROM!!" he yelled and we got wierd stares "they came from your back i just kinda put them there with my quirk oh and flying should be on instinct for you so i dont have to teach you (definatly not cause the author is a lazy bit-)" i said as i opend my wings alittle hawks doing the same "w-wait dont-!" Kacchan was cut off my me and hawks taking off at high speeds kacchan soon after and kinda far behind untill he got the hang of it and could keep up with us. 20 minutes later i won and landed in am ally near the restaurant since flying without a licence is technically illegal. We were about to walk off with i heard something kacchan.. He was being pulled and suffocated by a sludge villain me and hawks immediately got down to it think up ways to help as he let off huge explosions the pros showed up but just stood there and watched, as i was about to run in without any real plan kacchan let off an explosion that picked up rocks, one rock hit the thing eye and its grip loosend alowing him to swollow air quikly before being pulled back *ding!* "hawks use your feathers and contantly attack its eyes dont let up with it no matter what! While its distracted ill pull kacchan out and make an orb quirk to lock him in!" I yelled "ok izu!" He yelled back then i used imagination to make a shield quirk and put it around the civilians and heros near by hawks feathers were in its eyes and so i went in and pulled kacchan out as he gasoed for air. After that i layed him down and made a capture quirk and locked the sludge thing in it, after that i went to heal kacchan. "What are you doing..?" Kacchan asked slightly out of breath "im healing you" i answered "but im fine-" i cut him off and said "if you got sludge in you then you wont be. Its better safe than sorry " after i heald him i felt something warm on my lips, i mealted into the kiss,when he pulled away i got up and let everyone out of the shield "is anyone else hurt? Even sickness and disease so if you need help come out now please" i said loud enough for everyone to hear, "c-can you help me..?" The voice was small and shy and when people moved out the way i saw a little girl with a beanie on and pink skin sitting in a wheel chair. I walked over to her and asked "whats wrong can you explain to me?" "M-mama says i have..cancer" the little girl started to cry and said "i-i dont wanna leave big sis and mama..and im only 7years old.." After that she was sobbing as her mother im assuming comferted her, "she got the cancer when she was 4 and has been fighting since then today we were out to give her some fresh air at the park.. The doctor says she doesnt have much time.." The mother speaks as the older sister continued to comfort the girl "may i?" I asked as i gestured to touch the girls head, the mom nodded and i put my hand on her head, my hand started to glow bright yellow and i took it back i reached out my hand to the girl and asked her if she coukd stand she took my hand and stood. "Woah!! Im not falling mama!! Look i can walk and i feel better too!!" She said as she was slightly jumping around "h-how did you do that!?" The sister said "i have a couple quirks one of them allows me to make whatever quirk i want and i used it to heal her" i said smiling i was about to say bye but i felt 2 pairs of arms  embrace me i look and see the older women her mom and the younger one maybe my age her sister who also had pink skin, i hugged them back as i said bye and walked back over to kacchan and hawks who both stood there with smug looking faces "what..?" I asked confused " off.." Hawks said "ya but at least your my show off~" kacchan said "s-shut up!" I said extremly red i get flusterd by him way to easily. Before he could answer some hores came over and said "you shouldnt have rushed in like that you couldve been hurt!" I was pissed how could they say that when my boyfriend almost died so before he could continue i cut him off "how the hell could you say that!! Your supposed to be pro heros and instead of useing your heads you just stood there!! MY BOYFRIEND COUKDVE DIED AND YOU JUST STOOD THERE AND WATCHED LIKE IT WAS NOTHING!!! IF ANYTHING YOU SHOULDVE AT LEAST TRIED!! BUT NO YOU STOOD BY AND WATCHED AS A KID WAS BEING SUFFOCATED TO DEATH RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU!!-"  i was cut off by a familiar feeling scarf thing around me 'dad..'

Aizawas pov

Izuku called me and said they were going to the next town over so i went over incase something hapoens or they get in trouble. The ride took and least 15 minutes and the walk to where they were going took another 20. I was almost there when i saw izuku getting scolded by some heros 'there not gonna mess with my child' i thought to my self angrily as i was about to go over when i heard izuku start yelling. He was scolding the crap out of them i was proud but by the look on his face he was pissed. I let him finish because the heros probably deserved  it if they made izu that mad, and as he did i captured him in my scarf to calm him down. I walked over and said "my son is right you pros shouldve handled things so my children wouldnt have had to." I put izu down and walk away with the 3 boys i look back and ask "what happend..?" "I got caught by some sludge villain and was being suffocated" katsuki answered "ya and those stupid pros just stood there while he was practically dying!!" Izuku yelled "ya so izu came up with a plan to get katsuki out after seeing dirt hit his eyes, they were sensitive" keigo answered again i walked over and pat izukus head along with keigo and said  "good job you two" "oh ya and he helped this little girl with cancer her older sister was really grateful she also had raccoon eyes heh!" Katsuki said "well lets go home then ill make dinner tonight cause these next 10 months are gonna be hell on you three" i said giving a toothy smirk "hm? What do you mean dad?" Izuku asked "you'll see~"

Izukus pov

'Crap' dad was showing his teeth that means hes up to something 'heh..were gonna die!'

At home

kacchan ended up staying the night so that would be fun when we walked in the house i jolted awake at the sudden loudness "OMG ARE YOU 3 OK WHAT HAPPEND ALL I SAW WAS WHAT WAS ON THE NEWS OH AND WHY DID YOU 2 KISS ON CAMERA!!?!?!?"  Papa asked "t-they got that!?" "YES!!" He yelled back i was blushing like crazy not even wanting to think about it so i did what any normal kid would do and teleported myself and coco to my room.

3rd pov

After calming down hizashi and explaining they ate dinner then went to sleep and a certain green haird boy was exited for the next few monthes with whatever his dad had planned for them..little did he know he'd regret that thought before sleeping.

Hehe its been a little tbh im happy that when i went and chacked my story even had reads on it, so THANK YOU SO FREKIN MUCH!! love ya 💞😇😁

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