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"damn myoui"

Big eyed, and just, wow very amazed, the thing you should probably said when you saw the goddess face in front of you while her notebook wrapped, not that attached in her chest. Well who wouldn't if that pretty blonde friend finally changed her hair to brown and banged one.

"we good?" 

Mina, the former blondie, well not the band, nodded once while saying her word at her friend indirectly asking if she picked it good and 'lets go?'.

"you "look" good"

Jihyo did the quotes in her fingers and said making Mina show her gummy smile. They start walking forward slowly, other students passing by, not caring if someone's behind. Well who the hell would? in their situation its watch your front since its all forward, like one direction, oh and also no running in the hallways. They stopped and waited where Chaeyoung's room is, sending some random chitchats here and there until Jihyo blurted out something about someone who they are waiting for. 

"I like how Chaeyoung have that sexy body even if she's small" 

Mina choked on her own saliva. She blinked many times then turned her head slowly facing Jihyo, questioning her with a look.

"what? Its true! Don't tell me you ain't agreeing"

"what the heck are you thinking about my kid?"

Mina asked the woman as if she's the girl's parent then chuckled after.

"Excuse me? She. Is. MY. Child"

"after talking about her like that? No way park, shut up"

"oh come on, don't pretend like you ain't having that perverted look after she came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around her"

Mina gasped, exaggerating her shocked face or expression.

"How. Dare. You, lie, in front of me"

"Lie my ass you fucker"

Jihyo stuck her tongue out. The two continued to bicker while waiting for their said child. The two stopped when they finally heard the room's door opening. They waited for Chaeyoung to come out.
Mina saw the small girl after some students came out before her, adoring how cute the smaller girl looked while searching for them. Once Jihyo saw the smaller girl, instead of approaching her she grabbed Mina's wrist and pulled her away silently chuckling at her own idea.

"The heck are you doing?"

She asked Jihyo who's bending her back a little looking like she's hiding from someone.

"Lets hide, I wanna scare her"

Jihyo answered making Mina wheeze at her idea.

"What are you? Ten? Hey you already look like an aunt"

"Ohh, just shut the fuck up, you look more like one"

The two aunt looking students debated. Mina just agreed to her friend's stupid idea and copied her hiding position, hiding behind the wall where the smaller girl won't notice them. Jihyo peeked hiding all of her body except for the revealed eyes and head, Mina did the opposite, revealing her whole body looking unamused.

"What now?"

The second aunt asked, Mina. Jihyo quickly looked back at her startled that she's not hiding and almost ruining their plan, Jihyo did not hesitate to punch Mina's stomach making her hide once she earned the beautiful gift from the goddess. 

"ohfpfp, goddarm you son of a, that hurts so much"

Mina groaned making other students look at her direction with concern. Jihyo did not care, she's even satisfied.

"shut up"

Jihyo told Mina to send Chaeyoung a message to make her walk to their direction. Which the the pretty lady gladly accepted. 

:hey cutie go left 

They watch the little girl bring her phone out. Dimples out making the two watch in awe.

"hey stupid what did you send, how can you make her smile like that"

Jihyo asked but Mina copied what she did earlier, sticking her tongue out. Jihyo rolled her eye.

"oh come on, I would really start to think you're gay for her"

"shut up I'm not homo"

"then lemme see"

Jihyo reached for her phone forgetting that they're hiding from someone. She gave up and let Mina be, she watched the brunette smile while typing something on her phone. Jihyo crossed her arms forgetting about the plan, leaning her side on the wall watching Mina like a proud mother.

that was so sudden:

are you sick? ㅋㅋㅋ:

:I always call you that, what do you mean? ;>

Mina unnie!!!!!:

Mina chuckled while slightly covering her mouth at Chaeyoung getting flustered

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Mina chuckled while slightly covering her mouth at Chaeyoung getting flustered. She look at her friend smirking at her, she rolled her eye playfully until she felt arms wrapping around her waist. 

"Mina unnie you look so pretty, your hair suits you a lot"

Chaeyoung suddenly appeared then blurted out while resting her chin on Mina's shoulder, peeking at her phone making Mina flinch, surprised because the sudden contact and image, she looked back at the smaller girl showing her pretty eye smile. They we're so damn close making them both look away and pull back. Mina hid her phone and took Chaeyoung's waist getting her girl back, I mean child. The three of them started to walk. 

"thank you Chaeyoungie"

The three chuckled.

"push and pull yeah?"

Jihyo whispered after she got to Mina's side. Mina pretended she didn't understand it but Jihyo just shrug it off and said it was nothing.
Chaeyoung asked if they can go to the library first and spend some time in the multi-media watching and do nothing. Next thing they didn't knew, they've learned a lot of things, not just about other things, about each other too. Jihyo offered a restaurant she know where its good to have dinner and also treat the two, knowing that they'll take turns about the treat thing. They took a walk and use a bus instead of using Jihyo's car. After they finished having dinner the three go straight home together knowing its already the end of the day. It was another fun time for the three knowing that they'll get busy the next few days. 


hope this doesn't bore you ;-;

*Rest in Peace Gucci. We Love you*

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