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日本 to 대한민국


:Yes, you thick ass mother fucker I've been waiting here for twenty minutes. What are you even doing? Shitting?

"No, shut up come here at the comfort room the closest one to the exit. No one's watching my things I'm having trouble here"

The woman whispered at her phone inside a cubicle after hearing her friend's rant.

:What? Why?

"I don't have a pad, fuck. I didn't expect its code red"

:goddamnit Mina I don't have a single penny. Aish.

The woman on her phone cursed loudly making her lean her face on her left hand.


:No, wait, I'll go check my ride I know I hid a lot in there.

"Faster please"

Mina waited with a frown on her face. Checking her luggage every minute.

'jeez park where the fuck are you'

She cursed on her head.
Someone accidentally stumbled on her luggage making it fall on the floor which make her almost stood but her pelvic ached because of the called stupid menstruation making her growl.

"What the? Does somebody own this?"

A foreign woman spoke but Mina quickly understood since its her native language.

"Hai, please leave it close to this cubicle"

Mina requested at the said woman.



Mina thanked the kind woman.
She heard her come in the cubicle next to her. It seems like they're the only occupants in the comfort room since their plane arrived at eventide.

The girl didn't end the call with her friend for her to just stare at the contacts name.

'Jihyo - 13:09'

Mina counted the seconds in her mind distracting herself while she kept spraying the liquids out of it then use the flush once she felt like she need to do it.


The woman in the next cubicle asked.

'why the fuck? Seriously?'

Mina mentally asked her self if its really necessary to ask that to a stranger inside a comfort room but being her polite self just answered...

"Ie, I'm waiting for a friend to get me some pads"

"Ah, I have an extra here if you urgently need it"

The woman said after going out of the cubicle. Mina listened and let the clacking heels of the woman finish first after she say her answer.

"Kekkodesu, I'll just patiently wait here for my friend"

Mina said then smiled, showing some friendly remark even if no one can't see it but its evident in her tone.

KNOCK - ON (on-hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora