
Or should we say friends.

Someone who can shoulder on in any cases.

That'll be easier.

I did seek opinions and ideas from Professor Oak, and he did mentioned about being a teacher to a school.

"Remember, you're still twelve, maybe in a school you can find reliable friends, and I'm pretty sure you'll be accepted since you're a Champion of two regions."

I thought for a while, but at the age of 12 I still can't fill in the requirements I guess.

"Wait for another three years and I'll make an arrangement."

He said proudly, that day, I can't even wait for three years to come.

Flashback ends...

Another day have passed, I did get myself ready for the real class I was about to do.

With the school tournament in mind, I may have to hasten the lessons and occassionally assess them.

But other than that, I guess I have no problems.

I opened the classroom door and what greeted me is unbelievably peaceful classroom, the students were really silent they saw me walking into the classroom.

"What is the matter?" I asked the class.

"N-nothing, good morning teacher!" They all gently shouted in unison.

Must be about what happened yesterday.

"Good morning, I was tasked to check on your schedule, since this school focuses mainly about battling, then let's do that."

I heard them murmur excitedly, but I'm afraid I'll be interrupting them.

"But first, today's lesson is the basics."

The room was silent, this awkward atmosphere is getting into me, but nevertheless, I ignored it.

"The battle yesterday was really that bad, but yet, you three have potential, sink that in mind." I said as I looked at the three who battled me yesterday.

Even if the students and me are of the same age, I can't help myself but think that I'm more superior than them.

"And this also goes for you, battling is not about just exchanging blows and attacks head on, you need to widen your ideas and use the surroundings as I have said before." I said as I took a seat.

"But to exercise your mind, let me ask you random questions, state your name first so that I'll familiarize you together with the answer."

They all nodded and I proceeded with my question.

"In a battle, does type advantage matters?" I asked and a girl with blue short hair raised her hand.

"My name is Dawn and the answer would be no, type advantage doesn't matter but if you used the moves wisely, you can create openings that may let you win the battle in any situation." She answered confidently.

Very good I guess? Let's proceed to second question that may surprise them.

"Very good Dawn, proceeding to the next question, can we combine two moves at once?" I asked.

Another girl with blonde hair tied in a ponytail raised her hand and stood up.

"My name is Lillie, my answer would be yes, we can combine two moves at once, just like activating an Iron Tail and Electro Ball at the same time." She replied confidently.

She was right, but then here comes the real question.

"Pretty good, but how about three moves at once?" I asked her again, she tilted her head at first but then regained confidence.

"We can't combine three moves at once since it's pretty impossible, based on my observations, no one have ever did something like that before." She explained.

I smirked at that.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." I said.

That made the whole class shock slightly.

I took a pokeball on my pocket and threw it above, revealing a Gardevoir, she stood brilliantly as she went out from the capsule.

"Focus your attention on Gardevoir." I told the class and nodded at her, she nodded back and extended her palm.

Suddenly, three familiar balls appeared above her palm, and that made the students widen their eyes.

"I-Impossible!" Said the majority of the class as they witnessed what Gardevoir did.

"Yes, Energy Ball, Shadow Ball and Electro Ball at the same time." I told them.

The three ball attacks hovered around Gardevoir's palms as if the balls are playing around.

"Pokemons are mysterious, we still don't know what are their capabilities, every Pokemons have their own potential, and we trainers help unlock all of them, we make the impossibles, possible, take this as an example." I explained while looking at Gardevoir playing around with the three ball attacks.

"If this doesn't satisfy you, then let's add one more, Gardevoir, use Water Pulse." I commanded her, then while she's maintaining the three, another ball attack appeared, making it four.

That really surprised the whole class, as if they were seeing something impossible.

"Being strong starts from knowing your Pokemon better, not just focusing on brute strength and intelligence in battling, knowing your Pokemon more means that you'll be in sync, whether your opponent is overpowered or not, if you unlock some possibilities, that may give you an upper hand." I explained to them further.

They were speechless, and I think that's a lot to sink in.

Gardevoir dispersed the attacks and I returned them back to her pokeball.

"That's it for today, I think all of you probably had their minds full right now, I'll be giving you rest until the end of this day, enjoy the break everyone!"

With that, I exited the room, leaving the class speechless.

"Being a teacher isn't bad at all" I said to myself.

To be continued...

The Undercover Pokemon TeacherOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant