= Haley ( MHA ) =

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Name: Haley Hotchkiss Wyatt

Nickname: Hotchkiss, Twix

Age: 16

Birthday: 08\01

Height: 5'5

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She\Her

Sexuality: Queer

Parents: Lorenzo 'Smiley' Wyatt ( Father ) & Evelin 'Sweet Lips' Wyatt ( Mother )

Career\Job: Part-time retail assistant at a local bookstore

Quirk: Heat Signature 

Description of quirk: Heat Signature acts like a built in thermal camera. Haley is able to see heat signatures of people, animals, sources producing heat etc from 10 meters infront of her when activated. 

Drawback: If Haley uses Heat Signature for more than five minutes, her body slowly starts to get covered with small burns and blisters. After half an hour, her skin becomes boiling hot to the touch and if she continues to use her quirk, eventually she will fall into heat stroke and be covered in burns & blisters.


Clothing: ( Below )

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Clothing: ( Below )

Class or status in life: Middle Class

Personality: Haley is a sarcastic smartass almost 24\7 but there will times where she becomes quiet and sensitive due to trauma. Haley may come off as a bitch but she means well and won't hesitate to beat someone into a pulp if they hurt her friends\family. Haley is rather intelligent but lacks a thing called self-care, she has a hard time worrying about herself but worries about others because they make her life better. She can become jealous very easily and clingy, thus leading to having a few anger outburst.

Extras feature: Haley has been diagnosed with Depression, Anxiety and PTSD due to childhood trauma within the family. Haley also plays in a band with Jiro in her spare time, as lyricist and guitarist with her. She sings but that's a comfort thing so she keeps it personal. She loves Twix chocolates and cuddles. Besides using her quirk, she uses daggers and close combat skills when in battle. She carries around a small set of binoculars to assist in seeing at further distances. 

Character background:

Haley grew up in Las Vagas,USA with her mother and father who ran one of the biggest mobs in the state. Her parents used to abuse and force her to take part in the 'fun' of the mob, she hated it and often ran away until her uncles found her and dragged her back. Her parents didn't realise that she had such an amazing quirk but Haley knew so she kept it to herself and played off that she was quirkless for years. Once she had saved up enough money by secretly working at a mechanics workshop, she packed her things in the dead of night and bought a flight to Japan where she had an Aunt living there who wasn't connected to the mob. She made it to Japan and changed her name, cut her hair, dyed it and started a whole new life with her amazing Aunt May.

Once she opened up to her Aunt about her quirk, her Aunt immediately signed her up for U.A. high, knowing what an amazing quirk it would be if trained and perfected. Haley then left for U.A. and lives in the dorms, loving life but still deals with the trauma and horror she lived and took part in during her younger years.

 and lives in the dorms, loving life but still deals with the trauma and horror she lived and took part in during her younger years

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Hero: ( The shorts are black instead of purple and has dagger holsters on each side )

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Hero: ( The shorts are black instead of purple and has dagger holsters on each side )

Hero: ( The shorts are black instead of purple and has dagger holsters on each side )

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