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Name: Cara Carter Peters
Nickname: Car-Car, Caray, Cray-Cray, Crayola
Age: 17
Birthday: 5/3/2002
Gender?: Female
Sexuality: Straight, Polyamorous
Crush/s: Laughing Jack / Eyeless Jack
Likes?: Baseball, Rock and alternative music, her baseball bat, blood, playing her dark red electric guitar, killing people and sweet sweet revenge
Dislikes?: Seeing Eyeless jack eat kidneys, seeing Sally sad, when the voices in her head won't shut up and when LJ runs out of starbursts or bubblegum
Personality: Total badass around everyone but when alone or with EJ / LJ she's kinda quiet and ... sad.
In general she's a badass, a rebel and sexy ( according to LJ ). She's very confident and tells it how it is. She's protective over the people she cares about.
Weapon?: A wooden baseball bat with nails inserted at the top
Backstory: The baseball stadium music blasted through the shitty speakers as the Tennessee Thunders ran out onto the field including the only girl on the team, Cara Carter Peters. A sweet 17 year old girl fulfilling a dream since her father died at the age of 5. The game went on and everyone was touching and groping her but she didn't care at this point, she was too focused on the game to notice the teenage boys getting pissed. The game ended they won due to Cara's home run and she was over the moon but that would all end soon as it was now late at night and she was changing in the girls change rooms when someone grabbed her and the group of boys that were on her team dragged her out to the woods and raped then killed her, leaving her there deep in the woods to rot. Eyeless Jack was roaming around looking for a bite to eat and saw the girl with wide eyes. He saw potential in her so he picked her up gently and took her back to the house wearing his jacket. LG was the first to see her and was the medic besides Slenderman of the house so he took her in and well, brought her back to life and she became a creepypasta with a bloody thirsty hate for teenage boy baseball players. Her M.O is young male baseball players and she'll stalk them for a few days then kidnap them while in the change rooms and drag them out deep into the woods to kill them.


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Other?: She suffers with many mental issues like depression and anxiety due to the raping and has a massive scar on her stomach from where she was stabbed

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Other?: She suffers with many mental issues like depression and anxiety due to the raping and has a massive scar on her stomach from where she was stabbed

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