Chapter 40

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Harry didn't even threaten to move as Beck and Kai threw various pieces of furniture in front of the door we'd come in through. There wasn't a lot of choices of where we could go; the room was identical to every other observation area I'd been to – which, truthfully, wasn't many – and consisted of a single white door, which we had no chance of leaving through, and a long window spanning the right wall. That could work. I could hear the orderly screaming at us in the back of my mind as I flocked to Harry's side and checked him over.


He wasn't dressed in his pink tunic. Instead, he wore a medical gown with pink lines crossed over his chest in an X. Panic overthrew my mind for a moment before I realised, he was still breathing. From the way he was, I guessed he'd been in that room a while. His arms showed no evidence of shock treatments, but he had a drip of some colourless liquid going into his arm.

"What the fuck is this?" I shouted to Beck and Kai, allowing myself to overreact. My brother was here. He was real. He was alive.

"Like fuck if we know, there's a bit of a bigger problem right now!"

I gave them both the finger and weighed up my options, my mind fighting a losing battle as I wondered how bad it could really be if I just pulled it out...

The door heaved against the pile of medical cabinets and chairs and I made up my mind.

"Screw it," I said as I pulled out the drip. Harry crashed into breathing and shot up, his pupils dilating with disorientation. His face gained a fleck of red before it diluted into the same paleness as he had had before, collapsing back against the pillow and heaving his breaths.

"The hell did you do!" Beck shouted at me.

I could hardly hear him over the blood coursing through my body. Harry was okay. After everything, he was okay.

"What, did you expect me to just sit here and watch?"


I didn't reply to him. Harry sunk back into fleeting consciousness, but I kept my hand on his and tried to keep him awake. Kai and Beck squabbled behind me, arguing over what the hell we were gonna do, while I forced Harry to keep his eyes open. I couldn't lose him this soon to finding him.

"Smash it!" I shouted at the two of them, fed up with their pathetic arguments. "The window!"


"Could I be any fucking clearer?" I snapped, taking one of the laughing gas canisters and throwing it against the window, allowing it to bounce back once before putting every inch of my strength into my second go. On the third, the glass shattered, and I threw my arm up to protect my eyes from the glass and sheltered Harry with my body.

"That'll do it," Kai shrugged. I glared at him to which he just held his hands up in surrender. It didn't matter, we were out of there.

"Help me get him over," I called to the both of them, motioning to Harry. As soon as I lifted his arm he slurred a string of words into an unrecognisable sentence, I couldn't translate.

"It's okay, Harry," I said as gently as I could, "We're getting out of here now,"

He said something else to which Kai and Beck shook their heads when I looked at them for help.

"Ready? Three, two, one..." I helped Beck sit him up, and then Kai and I each put one of his arms around our shoulders, balancing his weight between us. "Alright... keep steady,"

"How do you expect us to get him through the damn window!"

"Kai, since when have you lost your trust in me?"

This Is Not The End.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang