Chapter 31

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After two more tries, the overwhelming crush of cold became less heart-stopping and more bearable. I learnt to embrace the darkness of his glasses, as they blocked out everything I didn't want to see, and Beck let me keep them on the top of my head. I don't know why I found it comforting, but I did.

As the moon started its descent and I'd pulled Cara's blanket around my shoulders for the third time, I let myself collapse against the back wall of the tower, rubbing my eyes as I let my vision blur back into seeing.

"I have to say," he grinned, throwing a look down to where the bodies decayed. "That was impressive,"

I pulled the layers tighter around me, "I'm, I'm a m-mess,"

"Yeah, sure, but everyone is their first time," he shrugged, checking on a sleeping Sam before sitting down next to me. Cara pulled a part of the blanket around her and used her arm as a pillow, finally succumbing to her fatigue. I smiled at her gently and allowed myself to relax. If Sam was right, which he most likely was, three were all that were coming tonight. If Sam was wrong, Beck could handle the rest.

"I bet you weren't," my chattering teeth slowly died down and I felt my hand move when I willed it to. "Mr Perfect,"

He smiled slightly at the floor, "I got good quick, I'll give you that,"

"Oh, God," I cringed, "You've got some tragic backstory don't you?"

He let out a small laugh, "You could say that,"

"I won't ask," I promised, running my hands through my hair. "Unless you want me to?"

Beck shook his head adamantly, "We both have sob stories,"

"You can say that again,"

Cara shifted in her sleep and I smiled down at her, giving her the rest of my blanket. Beck and I sat in an inviting silence, watching the obvious moon and the trees as they swayed in the late spring wind. I could still hear the Infected. There could've been more than what we disturbed in the little neighbouring town – smarter ones – but really, they were probably all around. They outnumbered us with odds I didn't even want to think about. I always thought that it was hopeless, that there was no way we could ever win against them, but looking at Beck as he watched the stars, I knew we had one more chance.

I'd soon be a part of that chance. After all, I was getting the hang of my power.

Neither of us tried to sleep, so we sat stargazing in open silence, a part of us appreciating what we had while we had it. It was easy to overlook, and I often did, but I was one of the lucky ones. I had Jack and Kai, and now I had Cara and Sam and Beck. It wasn't much, but my little team was more than I could ever ask for.

Beck let out a sigh and I woke from my daydream, moving slightly so he knew I was there.

"Can I tell you something?"

"Anything." I promised as a star blinked into nothingness.

He fell silent again, mind whirring. I listened to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat and waited for him to be ready. I'd have waited all night, it didn't matter to me, I just wanted him to be him.

"Your dad saved my life," Beck said after a little while, his voice barely audible.

"What?" I lifted my head to look at him, but he was still watching the stars.

"He's been more of a father to me than my own," he said. In the light behind his eyes, I could tell it was important to him that I listened, so I stayed quiet and gently promised him I was still here. "I was born in Greece, my parents adopted me when they thought my dad was gonna get into power; they got Samir something like a year before he was sworn in from Egypt," he let out a dry laugh, "Our entire existence was a political stunt. The tabloids loved it, showed my dad as more than just a crazed asshole, which he wasn't. Sam didn't care as much, but I learnt to hate him – it was all I could do, he wasn't exactly around.

"It didn't matter, though, because as soon as this shitshow happened my dad locked all of us away in a bunker, and Sam and I watched our mum starve to death and the rest of them go mad. We broke out, headed towards somewhere we weren't hunted by zombies, and I found your dad,"

I hesitated to make sure he was finished and to be certain in my words, "He brought you here?"

Beck nodded, "He was a mess – covered in blood and God knows what else – but he was adamant he was gonna find his kids, so we met up with some pilot, he's dead now, and next thing you know we're over here,"

I went quiet for a moment, wondering where it all went wrong.

"What's home like?" I asked, "The UK, I mean,"

"I haven't been there since, God, twenty-twenty-five?" he ran a hand through his hair when I egged him on. I just wanted to know something, "It wasn't as bad as people will tell you. A lot of people started quarantining, self-isolating, that sorta thing, so we managed to contain it for a while. Now, I think it's just a haven for Infected. A lot of people came over to the USA just because it was so big,"

"So, if it weren't for my dad..."

"I'd be dead in a ditch somewhere,"

Beck gave a small smirk, shaking his head, and I rolled my eyes to stop myself copying him, the corner of my lip curling up.

"Well, I'm glad you're not dead in a ditch somewhere,"

He looked touched, "That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me,"

"Well," I pushed his shoulder, careful not to disturb Cara, "Don't get used to it. I can't have you ruining my reputation,"

Shifting to look me dead in the eye, he gave me his full attention, his stupid half-grin permanently on his face, "I wouldn't dream of such a thing,"

"I'm scary, you know," I warned him.

"You're terrifying,"

"Good," I sat back, glad for the darkness to mask the heat in my cheeks. "You know where you stand,"

"I'm actually still working on that one," he raised an eyebrow, "But we'll see how it goes,"

I nestled down in my spot. His hand brushed against mine between us, and I didn't move, but then neither did he.

"Yeah," I said, taking one last look at him against the backdrop of stars before closing my eyes for sleep, "I guess we will,"

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