Chapter 9 - Oh it's you scum

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Kenma had to return Shoyo into his room after the four teens had a 'dance party' to the song Another one bites the dust by Queen.

Shoyo, since he was traumatized, didn't see his team. The team had followed the four teens and watched their mini dance party in the hallway. Shoyo had to sit out halfway through because his head started to hurt.

Two figures walked through the crowd that made the skater's hairs stand on edge. Natsu looked over at Vikter and saw...

"Sho? Who's that?" Kenma asked, looking at the man next to the woman with black hair in the doorway.

"Shoyo he's back..." She whimpered out.

"Natsu, behind me now. Lev, Kenma you know what to do." Shoyo said on edge.

Kenma and Lev quickly positioned themselves that if someone was going to hit either Hinata sibling they could easily tackle them.

Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Yachi all became on edge. Yamaguchi was trying to calm down his breathing, which was working surprisingly.

Shoyo looked up expecting only his mom and the co worker but instead was shocked with the sight of those two and his team.

"Shoyo! Sweetie are you okay?!?!" A middle aged woman with black hair and brown eyes asked. Her expression looked more fake than real.

"...I'm alright mother," Shoyo spat out. It was a side that the skaters have seen before, but never liked seeing. Meanwhile the Karasuno team was in shock.

"How'd you even get hurt?" Mrs. Hinata said before noticing the others in the room, "Oh it's you scum. Why are you here? Last time I checked you should be on ice, twirling around like a little girl."

You could see the rage in Shoyo, Kenma, Lev and the masked people's eyes. Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Yachi understood it was a threat and were glaring at her, well more Tsukishima was glaring and the other two were shaking in fear.

"Should we leave?" Suga asked Daichi.

"I would assume yes."

"Wait Daichi what if Shoyo gets hurt!" Noya asked, his phone recording the scene ever since the two figures walked in.

"Last time I checked you should be raising your children not letting others do the job for you," Yuri said, rage flashed on the woman's face.

"Whatever do you mean?" She innocently asked.

"Well maybe you should actually pay attention to your children. Do you even know a thing about Shoyo and Natsu?" Vikter questioned.

"Why of course I do! Shoyo here is a third year in middle school playing soccer with his two other friends! While Natsu is in elementary school and loves pink dresses and her hair in cute little piggy tails," the look of horror on both siblings' faces was enough to say she was wrong.

"Mom, I hate the color pink on dresses and piggy tails! I haven't liked the color pink in years nor have I worn a pink dress in that long!" Natsu said in Japanese since she couldn't speak Russian the best. Her hair is in a cute updown with the top part in a bun; She wore a cute black turtleneck sweater dress with small black Mary Jane shoes.

"And mom I play Volleyball...and I'm in high school..." Shoyo corrected. He purposely said it in Japanese so that Tsukishima, Yamaguchi and Yachi understood what was going on.

The woman looked at her kids in disgust, "Natsu, you're a girl, you should wear pink and Shoyo first. That disgusting sport on ice and now volleyball. Next thing we know your gay."

"..." Shoyo stayed quiet. Shoyo's mother got angry at her son being gay and stormed over hand ready to slap Shoyo. Her hand was raised and soon came down at a fast pace.

Lev knew what was coming and before he knew it he was tackling Shoyo's mother to the ground. Vikter soon grabbed her wrist while Yuri yelled profanity at her in Russian. Yuuri was calling for the police while Kenma cuddled a shaking Shoyo and Natsu. Tsukshima had covered both of Yamaguchi's eyes to not have him get another attack while Yachi cried into Yamaguchi's chest.

"I got you both. She's not going to hurt you guys anymore. Remember you guys moved in with Vikter and Yuuri and Lev. I'll come visit you every Friday." Kenma said rocking them both.

"Sir?" Noya started looking at the masked Japanese man talking to the police.

"Yes..." he said, glaring at Noya slightly.

"I have a video of what happened on my phone. If the police need a video."

Yuuri turned back to the police and started talking about the video, "Yes we'll be needing that video. Are you Noya?"

"Ah yes I am, who may you be?" Noya said with his head to the side.

"Shoyo's dad like figure, my husbands the one that got mad a week ago. Anyways I wanted to thank you for helping out with Shoyo and Kageyama."

"It was no problem! Really any good Senpai~ would do that!" Noya said while pointing at himself. This caused Yuuri to slightly snicker.

"Well you're an awesome Senpai to Shoyo. He talks about you and someone named Asahi being the complete opposite of how you look. Asahi looks tough and intimidating yet he's a big softy while you look like a big softy but you're tough and intimidating!"

"Really!" Noya asked, his eyes sparkling.

"I see no reason to lie," Yuuri said, his anxiety was starting to come out. Yuuri looked behind him to see Vikter and Yuri plotting something.

"I need to stop my husband from planning on taking over the world or something." Yuuri said before bowing at Noya and walking over to Vikter.

The police took Noya's phone and watched the video. Seeing and hearing what happened, with the help of a translator, they arrested the woman for attempting assault as well as child neglect and abandonment.

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