Chapter 1 - "Brother in Russia"

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Shōyō Hinata was a normal high school boy, or was a normal as a "volleyball freak" or one of the five top best mens ice skaters in the world. The others are his "brothers" Yuri and Lyovochka and his "dads" Yuuri and Victor, even after going into retirement there are still the best of the best.

Hinata used to live in Russia with his parents. When he lived there his brother Yuri taught him how to skate. That was until his parents split up when Hinata was 12 and shortly after he moved to Japan. That was about seven years ago.

Hinata's "dads," are more of a family than his actual family. His father left his family and is now an actor in America while his mother is a workaholic. She pushes her family aside and drowns herself in work. Hinata and his mother haven't had a conversation in two years.

Hinata, with the help of his skater family, raises his sister Natsu, a 4th year in Elementary School.

Both Hinata children are brilliant, it's just Shōyō gets anxiety when talking tests. He does okay if he knows a test is coming, his teacher just prefers pop quizzes. If they didn't take the test Hinata would be the top in his class. Hinata is actually smarter than Tsukishima because his dads taught him most of what he knew when he was homeschooled in Russia.

On the other hand, Natsu is fine with tests. She's one of the top in her class and getting middle school level work.

Hinata was kinda glad that Victor chose to coach Yuuri because he was already in Japan when Hinata moved. Yuri had flown down with Hinata so they could all continue to help train Hinata, Victor actually became his coach after Yuuri retired from his skating career at the age of 28.

Hinata doesn't want people being friends with him at school for his career and fame, but for him. For this reason Hinata, with the help of his dads and Yuri, gave him a fake last name, Hinata, and a stage name, Solntse or The Flying Sun.

Only close people to Hinata know about his career. Those being Yuuri, Victor, Yurio, Natsu, Lyovochka also known as Lev, and Kenma. He couldn't hide anything from Kenma even if he tried. Kenma and Hinata have been dating for about four years now.

Hinata and Kenma met online back when Hinata lived in Russia about 8 years ago. They had met on an online video game server and became internet friends. Internet texting became talking and FaceTime calls.

When Hinata moved to Japan, Kenma surprised him with a visit and a friendly date. You could call it risky but Kenma had brought Kuroo along with him, who later ditched him for Bokuto.

Hinata was able to talk to Kenma because Yuuri had been teaching him both Japanese, English, Russian along with Thai from Phichit

His dads love Kenma and how he's shy yet with Hinata his expressions show, especially on Ice. You can see the excitement and awe in his face. How his eyes follow Hinata the whole performance. It makes Hinata love skating even more.

Hinata has been skating since he was 5, and in competition ice skating since he was 10. He's always felt at home on the ice, the sound the skates make under his feet, the elegance, how size doesn't matter, and everyone's attention is on you.

Hinata's biggest rivals are his brothers Lyovochka, or Lev, and Yuri. Yuri was slightly older than Hinata at 19 while Lev is younger than Hinata by a few months making him 15 close to 16.

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