Chapter 73

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Julius was not afraid to answer whatever question Balvu had for him, and if there needs to be a trail, he will attend it. Lucy and Lagertha started preparing themselves to get packed and leave their house to find a new place to live. Julius promised them they would live in that place until the demonic invasions are over, and peace is restored to the world. But he knew that Harald would not be the one to do it; the new king would find it impossible to save every person on earth without learning to use the Demon Wolf's power.

As he walks to his bedroom to be prepared to leave, someone knocks on the door about five times and steps back. Julius had the feeling that he will be tried for heresy and plotting against the king. Without hesitation, he rushes to the front door and opens it as the morning sun continues to shine. Just as he predicted, Balvu and a small group of knights were standing in front of his door. The dark elf strolled to the mighty knight and did not have the face of someone who was staring at an enemy.

"Hello, Julius. You're looking well. It's been a while since we came together like this," Balvu said.

"How can I help you, Balvu?" Julius asked.

"The new king of Midland says that there will not be a trial for you. But you are requested to appear before the people who are desperate to hear from someone who cares about them. Yesterday was a great day for us."

"Great? We've lost hundreds of men. Our city is burned to ashes. The earl left me to die! You think yesterday was great?!"

"We may have lost a city, but the demon king is dead, and Harald now sits on the throne. He will rule wisely and strongly. The kingdom of Midland will thrive again. King Lancelot's legacy will live on for countless generations. King Harald will be the one to lead our people to a new era. A new chapter will begin for this nation and the rest of the world."

"Be thoughtful of what you spew out, Balvu. You don't understand. He may sit on the throne, but he cannot carry the shoulders of the earth without a backbone. I have fought under his banner and saved Midland countless times from the brink of destruction. Your people would've never survived twenty times over if it weren't for me. Do you know what's going to happen to you if you don't save yourself for what is coming?"

Julius realized that the lie had spread like mage-fire, and there was nothing he could do to stop the spreading of the false news. Harald must have used some sorcery to control the minds of the people and force them to obey his every command. Julius's duel against the new king will be much more difficult than expected because they both carried the same dark power. Balvu walks even closer to the demon hunter to give him a more straightforward reason the people put their trust in their king. Defeating Harald at Julius's current state had no meaning because of how much of the dark magic Harald consumed from Mephiles.

"It is essential that you come along with us and present yourself to the people. They must understand that you are still on their side to protect them and destroy the demons forever. If they believed you dead, they would seem to lose hope," Balvu said.

"Are these the same people who lived in fear under the demons? Are these the people who hoped that someone like me defeats the night creatures and saves them from tyranny? Are they all the same people who believed themselves to be powerless if they did not have someone to protect them?" Julius asked.

"You know you have no choice but to attend to our cause. You cannot refuse the offer the people wish to have. Otherwise, it will be you who puts them in great danger. I believe you understand the pressure and the desperation you will give those people if they don't see you alive. Let's just say this is your only path to the light, for you were chosen by King Harald to defend the earth from the power of the demons. The path to darkness is paved with blood and sin. The path to the light is paved with peace and honor."

"Fine. If I come with you, what are you going to do with my wife and daughter? Where are they going to be in all of this?"

"They're going to be with you, of course. Why wouldn't you bring your family to a peace offering? How else will they refuse? Every man, woman, and child who lived in Midland has no choice but to attend this offering we bring them. Otherwise, we will hunt you down... and... there will be a trial. A trial for heresy and treason against the king."

Julius had it deep within himself that Harald consumed the minds and souls of all who fought and killed in his name. The new king forced them to swear loyalty to him and bow down to him when they appeared before him. It was apparent that Harald should take the crown one day and proclaim himself the new king of Midland after Lancelot dies. But the reign of Balder prevented Harald from achieving that position for a long time, and now that time has surely come. It was hard for anyone not to be convinced by Harald's rulership and how far he will go into saving them from the servants of Hell.

"Very well. I'll go with you. But if you lay one finger on either my wife or daughter—" Julius said.

"Your family... is in good hands. I will assure they are protected when you and they are with us. We will make sure they are not in harm's way. Now, if you're ready, we shall return you and your family to the city," Balvu said. Julius had nothing more to speak to the new general as the morning sun continued shining down upon them.

Julius walks back to his house and tells Lucy and Lagertha that they are requested to appear before Midland's people at the fallen city. His wife and daughter stopped what they were doing and had no choice but to follow him with Balvu and his small group of knights. Harald's new power and order assured that a new army would rise again, and Midland's people would never go hungry. Julius, Lucy, and Lagertha walked out of their house and stood behind Balvu as he started leading them to his city. Only mere hours have passed since Loftain crumbled to pieces, but the power of the new king must have resurrected some walls and buildings that were burned down.

As they walked, they could see a new city being built about half a mile away from the castle. This unique city will ensure that the people of Midland will suffer no kind of danger or death under Harald's power. Julius understood that the new king was getting used to how Mephiles's power truly works and how far he will go into resurrecting Midland. All the people trusted the new king in driving the demons away from the world, but they all seem to have lost their trust in Julius. The demon hunter only desires that Harald answers for everything that he did against him after they both killed the demon king.

Julius, Lucy, and Lagertha remained silent as they walked behind Balvu and the other knights who survived the battle. The knights were still covered in scars and bruises from the many times they attacked the demons and received many scratches from their claws. Thankfully, the knights who were alive could still swing their weapons against their opponents at any means necessary. The time for battles will come at another time, but they were now taking Julius and his family to Loftain to be tested. Julius had every reason for them to take them on, and he had his armor on with his greatsword hanging on his back.

"Tell us, Balvu. What do you want from us? What are your intentions while we are in the city?" Julius asked.

"I told you already. We will not harm you nor your family. These people you swore to protect will always need you. You can't simply walk away from the ones you truly care about," Balvu answered.

"A demon hunter knows evil in his gut. Something tells me you're plotting something. That I have something you're looking for. Well, in that case, whatever it is you seek, I don't have it. I am no traitor, Balvu. I have never plotted against you nor my people."

"Neither am I, Julius. Like you, I do what is best for these people. And as the king's new general, I shall defend Midland's people to the very end."

The Demon Wolf (Book 1 of The Devil and the Huntsman)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz