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7 Months Later

"Sean, what now?"

"What do you mean?"

"I meant what I said. You've been all up on me since I asked Sydney to model for us. It was an accident. Do you really think I'll fall for her?"

This was really getting on my nerves. I have never met a guy more clingy and more annoying than Sean was. How was I supposed to work if he's asking me about Sydney every second he got? I was almost fired once, because he made me so pissed off one day. Mariana asked me what was up when she saw my face and I went off on her.

I had never done that before, so she left me with a warning. I swear if I had enough sense I would have just quit and thanked Mariana for hiring me. There were other companies out there looking for people like me. None of them would hire me just because they thought I was cute. I hoped not.

"Look, I have never dated anyone before in my life and you're making me feel like this was my worst decision yet," I exclaimed. "I'm going home and I don't want to hear another word from you today. If I do...so help me God, I will break up with you."

"Michael," Sean said calmly. "what you're doing is uncalled for."

"Uncalled for?" I laughed and picked up my portfolio. "Goodbye, Sean. Não ligue, a menos que você queira terminar." Don't call unless you want to break up.

I left the building in a rush. The taxi I had called for was already waiting for me. If it hadn't been there, then I surely would have walked home. There was no way I would stay at the company to wait. I wanted to be as far as I could physically from Sean. Breaking up with him seemed like the best thing right now. Sydney was on my mind and it was making me confused about myself once more.

Hanging with her wasn't a total nightmare. She and the girls seemed to get along great. If they were pretending, then so be it. As long as they didn't start killing each other. Today was the day they all wanted to go out somewhere. I wasn't in the mood, but a promise was a promise. I didn't want to ruin their happiness with my moodiness. If Sean was proving to be a burden to keep me away from my friends, he needed to go.

"Para onde, senhor?" the driver asked. Where to, sir?

"Praia majestade," I said. Majesty beach.

"Você sabe que a área é proibida, certo?" You know the area is off-limits, right?

"Eu moro na área." I live in the area.

The driver said nothing more and drove me home. It was nice to actually have someone drive me somewhere than to drive myself somewhere. It wasn't long before I began daydreaming about my next photography appointment. A couple was wanting to have their post-wedding photos taken. I had looked into it and learned of how professionals took awesome wedding photos.

I was appalled to see that most of the dresses and tuxedos got ruined. I wasn't going to do that to this couple. Not unless they wanted me to. The ideas looked fun, but I didn't want to do something that cost me my payment. Maybe I should call them about it. Have them look at it and see what they want to do.

"Senhor, estamos aqui." Sir, we're here.

I paid him and got out of the car. Seeing the complex helped me relax. I knew Sydney was going to be home and happy to see me. That made me really happy. Even after Jeremy and Wes left, she was still the same bubbly girl I'd met back in late July. It won't be long before Duncan and Brandon decide to leave.

I exited the elevator and headed to my penthouse. As I was unlocking the door, Sydney poked her head out of her door. Right on time.

"Hey, Mikey," she greeted.

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