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"Tell me. It's not like I'd actually go and tell the person."

Sydney looked at me like I was about to rob her. I could've if I wanted to. From the way she was last night, I knew she could care less about if I was going to rob her or not. I knew who she was talking about anyway. Just wanted to see if she'd tell me. It worked on most women, but she wasn't most women. She threw herself at me every chance she got. Then again, I could clearly hear her and Duncan--

"Duncan and his friend," she spoke up. "They're idiots. What are you doing here?"

"Last time I checked...I was allowed here." I smiled. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know. It's been a while, yet I still don't know where people my age hang out."

"Easy. If you can't find us at the beach behind the complex, you'll find us at the LX Factory. Such a nice place if you go there."

"Where is it?"

I laughed. Should I tell her? I want to, but I need her to realize I won't tell everything for free.

"That's why man invented GPS. Use it," I said and reached for the doorknob behind her. That's when I noticed what she was wearing. I would never let any of my female friends dress like that. It was disgusting. How was Duncan friends with her?

Sydney pouted and I could say that was a good thing for her. It was cute. I pulled my hand back and crossed my arms. I wasn't about to get caught off guard by her today. It was too early in the morning for that. Plus, the thought of her and Duncan was running through my head. I'd never be able to see her in a good light ever again. not in a million years.

"Bye." I gently pushed her away from the door. "Have fun making friends."

"Michael," Sydney whined. "Why are you so mean?"

"I'm not mean. Just truthful. Good-bye. I hope to see you later."

I opened the door and walked in before Sydney could say more. That girl was crazy. Even if Duncan paid me, you wouldn't catch me alone with her again. It was like spending unwanted time with Ana and Camila. I hadn't seen any of my girl friends in a while, so I'd go to see them after talking to Duncan.

After making sure Sydney was surely gone, I called out to Duncan. He wasn't expecting me, so I prayed he wasn't doing anything crazy. I waited at the island while he continued talking with his friend. I picked up a peach and bit into it. Come to think of it, Sydney did have a peach in her hand. I wonder if she forgot about it. Seemed like she did.

After what felt like an hour, Duncan finally stopped talking and acknowledged my presence. He introduced me to his friend who I happened to know. Eustaquio was a family friend and not much older than me. He was planning to get married around the end of the year and already had his fiancée three months pregnant. If you knew him, you knew he was a very unpredictable guy. Sometimes I hated him.

"So, what are you doing here?" Eustaquio asked.

"Ah, no reason. Wanted to talk to Duncan. Maybe go out to LX Factory to meet with the girls later," I said. "I got free tickets."

"Oh." He looked to Duncan who was staring intently at his phone. "Would you mind me going with you? I need a breather before going back to work."

"Chefe chato?"

"Exactly. When do you plan on going? I need to leave in an hour."

"How long will it take you to get to work if we go in thirty minutes?"

Eustaquio thought for a moment. I prayed it would take him longer than usual, because I really hated him at this point. No one hangs with my best friend and thinks it's the most natural thing in the world. Yes, we've only been friends for a couple of weeks, but I only want him for myself. I already have to share him with four other people.

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