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Listen to the music it's really soothing to me and yes my character does know how to play the entire song. Imagine what it would sounds like with just the violin. That's what everyone else is hearing in the story.

"You jerk, I swear you did that on purpose. There was no way Duncan would lie to me," I growled, walking to the car. "I hate you."

"Baby, you don't hate me." Wes laughed.

"I do. I hate you so much right now. You literally just embarrassed me in front of the cutest guy I've ever seen in my life."

I swear to you I had never seen anyone as cute as the guy I just saw. I was annoyed he didn't get my number. Just walked off saying he had things to do. The way his lips moved had me mesmerized. But there was something about him that had me wondering what he liked. I did see the girl who got into the car before him. She looked cute. Maybe she was his type.

"What about that guy?" I asked, getting out of the car. "He looked nice."

"He's gay," Wes said.

"How would you know?"

"...I'm gay. Takes one to know one."

Made sense, but how did he really know? I didn't think he was gay. Maybe a guy who didn't like throwing himself at every girl. I wanted him. I needed to find out who he was and where he lived. Whichever comes first. If I have to surf the web, then I will do so. Doesn't matter if I get in trouble.

"It doesn't matter, Wes," I snapped. "You can't know everything."

"Whatever." He sighed. "Just know that I will be right and when I am, you owe me big time."

"I owe you for losing a bet?!"

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

"In every way."

As we were riding back to the complex with my car, Duncan decided to listen to some music that really didn't really suit my taste. I like all types of music, but Country was probably the worst. I can't stand their accents. Whenever someone tells me I have a Country accent, I literally go berserk. Never will I ever try to adopt that accent anyway. The sexiest man alive could have it and I wouldn't go near him.

When we arrived, I stayed in the car wondering what I wanted to do today. There was something about this place that screamed it was amazing. Like exploration amazing. When I finally went inside and made it back to the room, the boys were playing a game of Jenga. I will never understand the reason of that game. All I ever hear is screaming, swearing, and threats. No one rarely laughs. When they do...all Hell breaks loose. That's why I'm never around when they play it.

"Come join us," Brandon said as I walked past them.

"No," I refused. "I don't think I want to."

"Come on. It'll be fun."

"I doubt that."

"It will be," Duncan coaxed. "You can sit by me. If anyone tries to hit you, I'll kill them for you, baby."

"No. I don't wanna."

"She's going to cry," Wes muttered.

"I'm not going to cry. I just don't want to play. I hear you and it seems...not fun."

Wes, Jeremy, and Brandon left to go back to the United States a couple of days ago. I wasn't really happy about it, considering the fact they left me and Duncan alone. We didn't know what to do without them. We had always done everything together with them before. I didn't know what to do now. Duncan was better off, because he went and befriended the neighbor. I hadn't met him yet due to me being lazy.

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