A Dip Into Our Past

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Michael never returned home for almost the entire night and his parents continuously called him. He wouldn't pick up the calls, knowing who was desperately trying to get in contact with him. He pulled the phone out of his pocket, ignoring the fact that his mother was calling and limped down the dimly lit street with prying eyes gazing at him from every angle.

"What is wrong with him?" A lady whispered.

"Mommy, is he poor?" A little girl asked.

Beep, beep.

"Hey! Get out the road, you freak!"

Michael didn't register what had been said until the car was almost upon him. He barely managed to jump out of the way before the truck zoomed past him. His brain went into overdrive as he tried ignoring the nasty comments and avoiding getting hit by the speeding cars. Thinking back on why his parents wouldn't let him move was annoying him to no end. He was going to be eighteen in less than two weeks. He should have had a say in his personal life.

As he neared a gas station, Michael heard the piercing noise of a siren. He prayed that it wasn't the police coming to arrest him for beating that guy. Or even running away. If it was either of those, he worked to put aside his pain and ran. There was no way he'd go back to that holding cell. Especially if the same guy from last time was clocked in. He'd kill him if he was on duty.

"Hey, son, what are you doing out here alone?"

Michael didn't respond, hoping the officer was talking to someone else.

"Michael, what are you doing out here alone?"

Michael's head snapped toward the officer and rolled his eyes. He should have known his father had called for his best friend.

"Let me guess," he started. "my father called you, yes? I don't need any help. I'm perfectly fine. Why don't you ask him why he actually called for you?"

"I don't need to know why he called for me," Officer Kane said. "I understand how you might be feeling. Sometimes when your parents say no, you just gotta do it on your own."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what I mean. Do it on your own. If they won't let you do it, then prove to them that they can't hold you down forever."

Michael laughed, scaring a couple as they walked past them.

"Would you let your daughter move halfway around the world to get away from the stupid beliefs of her country?" he asked.

"Not my daughter, but definitely my son," Officer said. "It doesn't matter though, because God gave us all a mind to think on our own. Not everyone knows what's best for us."

"Well, that's good to know. I'm still not going home. If they really want me back, they'll come looking for me. Makes sense if you know them like I do. Have a good night, officer."

Before he got far, Officer Kane spoke up again.

"I don't know why your father called me," he reasoned. "I told you I understand how you might be feeling. Sometimes when your parents go against your better judgement, they just know something you don't."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean what I mean. Just go home. It's best you do that before I really have to take you in."

"...I'm not going home."

"I forgot to mention." He paused for a few seconds and scanned my face. "What the heck happened to the face I once saw a few days ago?"

Michael stormed away from the car, raging from the inside out. How could his parents send a friend to do their job? It made him want to go and beat someone else into an oblivion. He forgot about his pain until his left leg gave out and he found himself sprawled across the sidewalk. A couple walked by and tried to help him, but Michael only waved them away, claiming he was fine and sober. They walked off clearly concerned about his mental and physical wellbeing.

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