"Give me my wand"

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"Ginny! Neville! Sahara! Are you alright?" Harry asked as we met him on the big marble staircase.

"Never better!" Neville answered. "Feel like I could spit fire! Haven't seen Pomona, have you?"

"Pomona?" Harry asked.

"I'm mad for her!" Neville exclaimed, making me raise my eyebrows at him. "Think it's about time I told her, seeing as there's a pretty good chance we'll both be dead by dawn!"

We watched as he dashed off on his way to find Pomona.

"I need to go find someone too." Ginny said before running off as well.

"Come on." Harry told me, nodding in a direction and together we ran through the castle to the room of requirement.

As we ran through the room, looking for the diadem, Harry suddenly stopped, placing a few fingers against the scar.

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He simply said and shook it off. He walked to a pile of stuff and pushed away a pile of spell books and underneath them was a dusty canister that he also pushed aside. Underneath that was a stone bust and when Harry opened it, it revealed Ravenclaw's diadem.

"Well, well, what brings you here, Potter." Draco's voice sounded and we both looked up to see Draco, Blaise and Goyle.

Draco noticed me for the first time here and his eyes softened a bit.

"I could ask you the same." Harry said.

"I virtually lived here last year. Remember?"

"I remember." Harry nodded and looked at me. He handed me the crown and I put it into the bag I had over my shoulder.

"You have something of mine." Draco said and I sighed, realizing he wasn't doing what I asked him to. I placed myself beside Harry, crossing my arms as I looked at Draco. "I'd like it back."

"What's wrong with the one you have now?" Harry asked, gesturing towards the wand in his hand.

"It's my mother's." Draco said, studying it. "It's very powerful, but it's not the same. It doesn't... understand me. Know what I mean?"

Draco looked up, his eyes landing on Harry again. Ron appeared behind Draco who hadn't noticed and I noticed that Harry reached for his wand.

"Easy." Draco said.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Harry asked. "Bellatrix. You knew it was me. But you didn't say anything."

"Give me my wand." Draco demanded, ignoring him.

"No." Harry said, causing me to look at him. If he refused to give Draco his wand, trouble would start and there was enough trouble at Hogwarts right now. "I don't think so."

Harry pulled out Draco's wand, studying it in his hands. "Besides, it's allegiance to me now. If you want it, you'll have to win it back. Perhaps even kill me."

Harry looked up and he and Draco locked eyes while Goyle stepped closer to Draco. "C'mon, Draco. Don't be a prat. Just do it."

Hermione showed up next to me, her wand pointed at Draco and a light shot from it, making the wand in Draco's hand shoot across the room.

Goyle then immediately stepped forwards, pointing the wand at Hermione. "Avada Kedavra!"

My eyes widened as the words left his mouth and it felt like slow motion when I saw the green light erupt from the wand and make its way towards Hermione. I quickly pushed Hermione out of the way, causing us to fall into a pile of junk and we both fell to the ground. At least we weren't killed by that spell.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted, disarming Goyle. I got to my feet, looking at the boy and now I was pissed.

"You ugly little rat!" I yelled, stomping towards him. I clenched my fist and it came in contact with his jaw, making him stumble back.

"Sahara." Draco started but stopped as soon as I turned towards him.

"And you!" I yelled. "You promised me you'd ask him politely for your wand and here you are with your little friends where one of them attempt to murder my friend!"

"I didn't know he was gonna do that." He said, lowering his voice and suddenly Ron was running towards Goyle who shrieked and ran the other way, trying to escape.

"This is for my girlfriend you big—"

I didn't hear the rest of the sentence because they got further and further away.

"Harry, give me his wand." I said, walking back to Harry. He watched me for a moment but then sighed and passed it over to me. I turned back to Draco and he held out his hand but instead of giving him his wand, I broke it into two pieces.

"What—" Draco muttered, sighing as I laid the two pieces in his palm. "Thanks."

"You're very much welcome." I said, sending him a sarcastic smile.

"Run!" Ron screamed as he came running back. "Goyle's set the bloody place on fire!"

We immediately all started running, following Ron.

"Split up!" Harry yelled and we did but ended on the same place. Draco, Goyle and Blaise weren't here and I couldn't see them. I was worried for Draco but right now I had to also worry about myself.

"Do we climb?" Hermione asked.

"No!" Harry spoke. "It'll just follow us. Here! Take one!"

We looked at him as he grabbed a few broomsticks, handing one to Hermione, one to me and then grabbed two more for him and Ron. We all got on our brooms and shot into the air, looking for the exit as we saw Draco, Blaise and Goyle climb a pile of junk.

Goyle grabbed a chair, causing him to fall down and get eaten by the flames.

"Serves him right." Ron spoke.

"C'mon!" Hermione shouted. "This way!"

Harry and I looked at each other and then stopped in the air, making Ron and Hermione stop as well.

"Wait!" Harry said. "What about Malfoy and Blaise?"

"He's joking, right?" Ron asked Hermione but Harry and I were already on our way to rescue them.

Harry got Blaise onto his broom and I helped Draco before we all flew out of the room and landed when we were safe after Ron had shouted something about killing Harry if we died for Draco and Blaise.

"Bloody hell." Ron said. "That was scary!"

"If you're a wuss." Draco muttered and Ron stepped forwards to jump him but was stopped by Harry while I stopped Draco who was about to jump Ron as well.

"Don't you even dare." I told Draco, pointing a finger at him.

"Didn't I tell you to stay in the background?" He asked. "I saw you on that bridge. You were basically leading the whole thing with that Longbottom kid."

"And didn't I tell you to ask for your wand back, not use any force?"

"I didn't use any force."

"You were threatening him and that's basically the same thing!" I yelled.

"Well, it's not like I have a wand now."

"You deserved that one." I told him. "Honestly, Draco. You've told me you want to be better so maybe you should start with not threatening or having your friend almost kill Hermione."

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