"They aren't here"

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"Where are you?" I whispered into the air, standing by the big openings in the courtyard, staring into the air.

I really wanted to join Harry, Ron and Hermione so we could kill Voldemort together. I wanted to be apart of killing the evil person who forced Draco and Ivory to be a part of his army.

Hogwarts didn't feel like a school anymore. It felt more like a prison and I needed out. I needed to flee and I needed to find them. I didn't care that they didn't trust me. I needed to show them that they could.

"Miss Sterling. May I ask what you are doing out here?"

The hairs on my neck stood up at the sound of Snape. I turned around, seeing him stand there with his hands in front of me. He was standing proud as always, looking down at me.

"I was just enjoying the view, Professor."

"Enjoying... the view?" He asked. "I'd suggest you go inside and use some of your time in the books instead of watching the... view."

"Yes, Professor." I said and hurried past him, making my way inside. As I made my way down the hallway, Pomona came running up by my side.

"I want to help kill Voldemort." She whispered. "But we can't do it without Harry and the others. I've figured out where they are."

I stopped in my tracks, looking at her. "You have? How?"

"I can't explain how since I don't really know but I was reading and I thought about something Hermione said. Meet me in the astronomy tower in fifteen minutes and being a broom and a backpack with clothes and some food."

She ran off towards the Ravenclaw common room and I immediately ran towards the Gryffindors.

I packed a bag of clothes and snacks like Pomona told me to and then grabbed my broom. It was hard but I did manage to sneak into the astronomy tower without being seen with my broom and backpack.

When I stood in the door, I froze and looked at the room. This was where Dumbledore was killed. Where Draco tried to protect me and where I was thrown across the room.

"We need to get out of here." Pomona said from behind me, entering the room as well with her own backpack on her back and a broom in her hand. "We have to find them and tell them how bad things are."

"Where are they?"

"In the woods somewhere. I can't explain where but I'll know it when I see it." She said. "We have to leave before anyone notices we're gone."

And with that being said, I watched Pomona get onto her broom and shoot into the air. I quickly got on my backpack before following her.

She moved quickly over the forbidden Forrest where she waited for me to catch up.

"So where're we going?" I asked and she pointed north before she continued flying and I continued following her.

I don't think I had ever done something as impulsive as this but I didn't care. All I cared about was helping my friends, killing Voldemort and getting Draco and Ivory out of his army.

We traveled for what felt like days when we lowered into the Forrest on a broom. I looked around, wondering what we were doing here as I couldn't see anything but trees.

"They aren't here."

"Yes they are." Pomona said and pulled out her wand. "They must be hiding under some kind of shield that protects them from being seen on the outside."

"How'd you figure that out?" I asked and suddenly it was like a big dome disappearing, revealing Hermione a few feet away from a tent.

"It's true." She simply said. "We're hiding from the death eaters."

I let out a breath and Hermione smiled at me before running over, throwing her arms around me in a hug.

"I am so sorry!" She said. "I told the boys to quit being so stupid but in the end I just wanted to protect you. I know feelings can get in the way of ones actions and I was scared that would happen if you suddenly stood face to face with Malfoy."

"Hermione." I laughed, pulling out of the hug. "It's fine."

"Are you sure?" She asked and I nodded before she turned to Pomona with a smile and hugged her as well. Meanwhile I approached the tent and entered. It was much bigger on the inside.

Harry and Ron were sat by a table and both looked at me, their jaws practically on the floor.

"Hello you jerks." I said, placing my broom against the tents wall before crossing my arms over my chest. "Pomona and I are here and we are here to stay so we can fight together."

"Sahara." Ron shrieked in surprise, his voice cracking.

"How'd you find us?" Harry asked and I shrugged, joining them by the table.

"As Pomona. She found you, I just followed."

Sterling ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now