"My name is Pomona"

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After my free period I had Arithmancy. It was an elective so Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ivory weren't here. Neither were Draco.

I ended up sitting next to the transfer student and she seemed interesting but I didn't know her. All I knew was what Dumbledore said. She's in sixth year and she's from America. Her name was also told but I've already forgotten it since yesterday.

"Hi." I said when she struggled with finding the right book. We had three books for this class and Professor Vector just told us which book to look in and the new girl looked confused. She looked at me as I placed a finger on the right book. "It's this one."

"Oh." She muttered, pulling it in front of you. "Thank you. We didn't have this many books at Ilvermorny."

"Ilvermorny?" I questioned. "Oh right. That's the wizarding school in North America, right?"

"Yeah." She smiled. "It's a small school compared to this one."

"Do they have houses as well?"

"Did do." She nodded. "I was in Thunderbird. It's said to represent ones soul."

"Oh really?" I smiled. "It's not really like that here. Your house here is more about who you are as a person so it's much more than just your soul."

"And being in Ravenclaw means what exactly?" She questioned, pushing a lock of her hair behind her ear.

"Well, it's known for having intelligent people. People who are original, smart, creative. People who easily accept others."

"And what house are you in? I'm still trying to understand the colors and what houses have which."

"I'm in Gryffindor." I told her. "We're known for courage, bravery. Apparently we're daring and determined. That would at least explain my friends."

"What about the other two houses?"

"Hufflepuff is the yellow one. They're kind, dedicated people who are patient and loyal." I explained to her. "And Slytherin is the green one. Known for leadership material. They are so determined to win at everything that they can seem a little rough and scary but some of them are very nice. They're just ambitious and can show it in the wrong way."

"Yeah." She breathed. "I noticed that most of them have a smirk on their face most of the time."

I chuckled at her comment but nodded in agreement and I couldn't help but think of Draco and his smirk.

"My name is Pomona." She said, holding out her hand. "Pomona Von Doren."

"Sahara Sterling." I replied, shaking her hand.

After class, I showed Pomona around the castle, seeing as no one had done that. She told me how awkward she felt when she had to get sorted in the middle of the school year but how excited she was to get to know the castle and the people inside of it.

She was quite beautiful, actually. She had long dark hair, blue/green eyes with a very freckles face. Her lips were full and her eyebrows were thick and dark but she made it look good. She was also very nice and I liked her American accent. I've never been to America or actually met an American so it was definitely exciting for me.

Pomona also told me about her family. She was raised in Massachusetts by her two parents who attended the same wizarding school as she did. Their names are Arthur and Faye. She has an older sister named Violer and two younger brothers named Nathanial and Everett. Nathanial was a fourth year and Everett was in second.

I also filled her in on everything that had happened during my years at Hogwarts. From the teacher with Voldemort on the back of his head who tried to kill Harry to what happened last year when Bellatrix killed Harry's godfather Sirius Black.

We were just casually talking in the hallway when we were interrupted.

"Why the hell did you ask for a new tutor?!"

Pomona and I both turned around at the voice of Draco yelling through the hallway without caring about who could hear him.

"Am I not good enough for you?! Am I not good enough for the great Sahara Sterling?!"

I sighed, tilting my head as I watched him approach. The fact that he was acting up and yelling in the hallway surprised me but what really surprised me was seeing Ember watch the whole thing from the door to one of the classrooms.

"You were horrible before you even received my session!" Draco yelled at me. "Horrible! And after my sessions you improved your grades so good luck with your next tutor 'cause he sure as hell won't be as good as me!"

Instead of stopping in front of me, he walked past, looking angrier than I had ever seen him before. I didn't look at him as he walked away. I turned to Pomona with an apologetic smile on my face.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Is there always this much drama?" She asked and I couldn't lie.

"With him there is." I said. "That's Draco Malfoy."

"And I'll assume he's your boyfriend?" She asked, almost making me choke on the air.

"What? No! He's as said my former tutor who has a terrible big ego. I guess he's offended that I fired him."

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