Year 4

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A few days after coming home from Hogwarts I had my first menstruation cycle. Running to my mum in the middle of the night to get pads without my dad finding out was the most difficult thing I had ever done. This summer my oldest brother Emory also moved to Romania to study dragons alongside Charlie Weasley.

This year was gonna be exciting. I now had History of Magic on my schedule and to me that was the most exciting class besides charms.

I was currently walking down the corridor where the library was at. I just got out of potions class and my friends had run of on another adventure but I had said no when they asked if I wanted to come. I could use some time on studying. When I turned the corner to the doors that led to the library, I stopped in my tracks, looking at Draco who was leaning against his hand on the wall, blocking the way through the door.

"Where do you think you're going, huh Sterling?"

Draco changed a lot from our second year to the third. His hair was no longer pushed back by the big amount of hair wax and the hair was parted on his right side and he sort of had bangs. From year three to year four he looked more mature. He was a lot taller but he had also gotten a lot more annoying.

"Get out of my way, Malfoy."

I tried to walk past him but he stepped out in front of me and kept blocking my way as I kept trying to get past.

"I need to have a little chat with you." he said, tilting his head, still wearing that stupid smirk on his face. He took a step closer to me and I backed but hit two bodies that turned out to be Blaise and some other random Slytherin I didn't know the name of. Draco tucked at my tie, pulling me closer and I felt him press his wand to my throat. "Remember this? Two years ago I was in your position right now with a wand to my throat. You used magic on me, Sterling."

"Two years ago." I confirmed. "Can't seriously still be mad about that."

"I'm not mad." he shrugged. "But I have been finding a way to get revenge ever since and it's not exactly easy to find you without your little friend group."

"Sounds like you're mad to me." I said. "You've gone bloody insane."

"When have I ever been sane?" he chuckled, stepping aside and at the same time I felt my arms getting grabbed. I was led into the library which was empty of people except one blonde girl sitting by a table with her feet up. Even the librarian wasn't here.

I was forced down in a chair as Draco closed the door and as I tried to get out of the chair, Draco pointed his wand at me. "Incarcerous!"

A rope flew out of his wand, wrapping around my arms and my waist at the same time, tying me to the chair.

"Draco what are you doing?" the girl sighed, making him jump as he looked back at her.

"How'd you get in here?"

"Invisible cloak. I needed to see what you were up to. Now, who is this poor girl and why have you basically kidnapped her?"

"Kidnapped?" Draco scoffed. "Haven't kidnapped anyone. She was on her way in here. We just...helped her."

"Let her go, Draco."

"Yeah, let me go, Draco." I agreed, trying to get myself out of the ropes but Blaise placed a hand on each my shoulders, holding me back in the chair.

"I am so sorry about my brother." the girl said, approaching me but suddenly the guy from Slytherin I didn't know the name of, grabbed her and kept her from coming any closer.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're doing?" she asked, trying to fight her way out of his arms. "Draco Lucius Malfoy. Tell Adrian to let go of me, right now!"

"No can do sis." Draco said, nodding towards the Adrian guy who then forced the girl into a chair and Draco did the same spell on her, making rope tie her up as well.

"Sis?" I asked.

"Draco is my ridiculous excuse of a brother." the girl said. "I'm Ivory. We're twins."

"Ivory!" Draco exclaimed. "Quiet!"

"Make me!" she talked back.


Ivory suddenly couldn't speak, probably because the spell made her tongue go to the roof of her mouth, making her unable to say a word.

"I'm sorry Ivory but you shouldn't have followed me." Draco said and then turned to me. "Now, what to do with you. Maybe I should kill you. Use the very same spell that Potter survived."

"You could try that." I nodded. "But what wouldn't happen? You'd go to Azkaban for the rest of your life and what wouldn't your father say about that?"

"Don't you talk about my father." he growled, pulling his wand at me, holding it inches from my face. "I just want you to feel what I felt but I'm gonna make it worse. I'm gonna do to you what Weasley did to himself."

After he cursed me to throw up slugs, he made Ivory talk again and got her out of the ropes before him and his other Slytherin friends left. I was lying on the floor, throwing up slugs and it was bloody disgusting.

Suddenly Ivory approached me with a bucket she had found. "Here."

She crouched by me and helped me sit up. I grabbed the bucket as I threw up another slug.

"I am so sorry about my brother." she said. "I love him to death but I do not agree with all the things he do. How he treats people."

"Sahara!" Hermione's voice sounded before she came running over, crouching by me as well. "What happened?"

"Draco." I said, throwing up again.

"He wanted to get revenge for the tickling spell she put on him." Ivory exclaimed.

"But that was two years ago." Hermione frowned. "And who are you? Not to be rude or anything."

"Oh, Ivory Malfoy." she said, holding out her hand.


"Yeah I know. Draco and I are womb-mates. Shared a womb, shared a childhood. He's really not that bad when you get to know him but he can be a jerk."

"I didn't even know he had a sister." Hermione said as I once again threw up.

"I don't like being out in the open for everyone to see so if I spend a whole lot of time with Draco around other people, they'd start figuring out. I mostly just keep to myself."

"Still throwing up over here." I said, another slug coming up through my throat. "This is disgusting."

Sterling ; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now