"He's not here"

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"Hi guys." I said, sitting down in the booth at the end of the train where Pomona, Neville and Ginny were sitting. "Has anyone seen Harry, Ron and Hermione? Or just either one of them?"

"Oh." Ginny said, sending me an awkward smile. "I don't know how you're gonna take this but they joined Dumbledore's army. I don't think they'll be here this year."

"Dumbledore's army?" I asked. "They're gonna fight Voldemort?"

"Yes." She nodded. "I was asked not to tell you but I think you deserve to know."

"Thanks." I muttered, sighing as I leaned back in my seat. "I can't believe they'd hide that from me."

"They said they don't trust you." Ginny told me. "They don't trust that you could help them without mailing Draco about every little thing."

"They don't trust me." I repeated. "All three of them?"

Ginny nodded and I sighed again.

"I knew about Harry but I thought Hermione at least would know I'm loyal to them." I said. "It doesn't matter though. I want to focus on this year so I can graduate."

"That's probably for the best." Neville nodded. "You still have us."

"Thank you Neville." I smiled.

"And I believe you if you say Draco is good on the inside." Pomona told me. "I might not have known him but the stories I've heard."

"He isn't the nicest person." Ginny said. "But I too believe he's good on the inside. He just need someone to guide him."

I was happy that there at least was some people who believed in him.

"He probably is alright but I'm scared of him." Neville said, making me chuckle.

"I was too once." I said, looking out of the window as the whistle sounded and the train started moving.

"What did you guys do over the summer?" Ginny asked and looked around at the three of us.

"My family and I went to America to see some family." Pomona said. "I also got to visit Ilvermorny and my old friends so that was actually really awesome."

"I want to go to America one day." Ginny said. "How is it there?"

"Not much different than England." She shrugged. "The accent is different though."

Ginny went us to tell us what happened during the summer. How Dumbledore's army drank poly juice potion to turn into Harry to lead Voldemort and the death eaters in the wrong direction. How George got hurt really badly and they were scared he was gonna die from bleeding out of his ear but he had survived. How Bill Weasley got married and how Ron had left with Harry and Hermione without telling Mrs Weasley.

I couldn't say I wasn't angry with them for doing this without me. They knowingly didn't tell me about it when they knew I wanted to help fight Voldemort.

But fine. I'm gonna be able to get my education and they won't.

Suddenly after driving for a while, the train stopped, making everyone confused. The last time this alleged was when the dementors boarded the train and that wasn't fun.

Neville was looking outside and he looked like he saw something but I didn't know what.

"My father will hear about this." Cormac spoke, making me turn around.

I didn't even question why Cormac was here since he was in seventh year last year. Guys I recognized to be death eaters, entered the car, looking around and that's when Neville stood up.

"Hey losers." He said. "He's not here."

I couldn't help but think whether or not Draco was with them. Maybe he was outside. I leaned over Ginny to look out of the window and she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What're you doing?" She asked as the men left. "It's happening in here, not out there."

"Just looking for someone." I muttered, properly sitting back in my seat.

We were at Hogwarts about twenty minutes later since the driver had to check what happened and make sure everyone were alright but when we arrived, we drove in the carriages up to the castle while the first year students were led by Hagrid across the lake.

When we sat in the great hall with the first year students waiting to get sorted, we saw Professor Snape in the spot where Dumbledore used to stand. McGonagall stood beside him, looking like a mix between sad and scared.

I knew something was wrong when we arrived at the castle and saw the school guarded by death eaters.

Snape went on to explain how The Dark Lord was in control of the castle and had appointed him as headmaster.

I kept looking towards the Slytherin table and I don't know why I kept hoping to see him there when I knew he wasn't going to be here this year and with Voldemort's men guarding the castle, I'm not sure I'd be able to try and kill him. If they just as much as thought I was planning something, I'd get killed faster than I could blink.

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