An Undying Love

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Classic stirred in a new room, his eyes focusing on the bed. His arms were chained to the post, the main chain long enough to allow him bathroom usage. A frown pulled over his expression as he searched for anything else. His eyes wandered until they stopped onto a window sealed shut. Sighing, Classic climbed from the bed and hurried toward the bathroom. He could hear faint voices beyond the door, footsteps headed his direction. Slipping into the bathroom, he positioned the chains under the door before closing and locking the entrance. Crouching before the door, he listened as the main door was opened. 

"Classic? You awake..." There was a momentary panic in Ink's voice before he saw the chain. A gentle knock sounded on the bathroom as Classic held his breath. He controlled his voice before speaking, erasing his fear entirely.

"Ink I presume. I am awake, just need a shower is all..." 

"That is why I am here. I came to take the chains off, so open up. It will make shower easier!" Classic swore under his breath before unlocking the door. He pulled it open before facing Ink, who's eyes had examined Classic. His sockets widened as he reached toward Classic, a pained expression on his face as fingers grazed where a single petal lay. "Were there not three last I saw?"

"There was indeed three, but they vanish when I die. One petal remains, so I have merely one life to live." Ink took a step back, regret visible. Classic smiled slightly before speaking once more. "I know you did not mean to kill me, but you used too much drug the previous time. The first death was from those men slaughtered outside Nightmare's territory. Their intentions were ill, so death was fit for them. I do not blame you for anything." The words came out forced, a piece of Classic cracking among his soul. His clan was marked to only speak the truth. A single lie was dangerous, but it was Classic's only hope.

"Why would you forgive me..."

"Because you merely serve someone who ordered such actions. I can not hate you in the least and wish to work with you." Ink raised an eyebrow before frowning.

"What do you mean? You swore to never leave Nightmare." Classic sighed before pushing back the growing pain. He lowered his head before forcing tears to come to his eyes.

"I was manipulated. The drug that killed me also stirred the sealed memories. He was cruel..." Ink gave a saddened look before hands gently pulled Classic closer.

"I'm so sorry he was cruel to you. You are safe here with us as long as you agree to side with Dream!" Classic smiled before pulling back. He bowed his head slightly before speaking.

"I, Classic who once served Nightmare, wishes nothing more than to be freed from my chains binding me to him. I will serve Dream and his cause, until the very end." The pain growing had become unbearable, yet Classic forced the pain away. He could feel the cracks forming around his soul. Ink gave a satisfied look before he carefully pulled the keys from his pocket.

"Hold still and allow me to remove the chains. I can trust your words since you are unable to lie. The books even said it was impossible for your clan!" Classic forced a smile as the cuffs unlocked and fell to the floor. Classic stood completely still for a moment before smiling toward Ink. He could feel his magic gather, a smirk pressing to his features.

"I'm going to go take that shower now. I have one final request before I aid your plan!"

"What is it?" There was a long pause before Classic spoke up. 

"I'd like to give a final goodbye to the prisoners serving Nightmare." There was hesitation, but Ink nodded reluctantly. Classic smiled, Ink not seeing the true manner to the smile. He vanished into the bathroom before the water began to run. Ink remained posted outside awaiting Classic to return.

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