Gift Of The Fading

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Classic stirred slightly as he listened to chains rattling with each movement. He wasn't sure where he was, only that he had been with Dream before. He felt his heart sink remembering the tea. The drugs. Tears gathered in his eyes as he leaned against the cell wall. Dream had seemed so gentle and kind, but had deceived him. He was no different from the world that betrayed the trust of his people. His body shook lightly as a shiver trailed his body. He was still in his attire, but being locked in a cell in thin fabric left a bit of a breeze. It left a desire for warmth. He missed Nightmare's warmth. The arms that protected him from the world and held him close.

He had been so drawn into his own mind he hadn't heard the shuffling across from him. Tired and annoyed eyes fell onto Classic before the figure crawled to the bars and tried to reach out. Their voice was weak, but Classic knew it well

"Oh my god, Classic? Are you hurt?" Error's voice was laced in worry as he struggled against his own binds. Classic glanced at him before shaking his head, tears trailing his skull. He wanted to be by Nightmare. To be in the castle where he was safe.

"Error, ease up. Don't stress Classic more than he already is." Horror's voice reached Classic as he scanned for him. His gaze fell on the cell beside Error's. A partial smile visible from the little light leaking from the outside. 

"Where are we exactly?" Classic's voice cracked slightly as fear was apparent in his tone. 

"Probably still in Dream's castle. Listen Classic, we won't be in here too long, okay? Nightmare has to know we're gone." Classic nodded before he sunk into his knees. He shook from the cold, but ignored his bodies protests. Everything had gone wrong without warning. No matter how long it had been since the fall of his Kingdom, Classic knew that society never changed. They always turned their back on the kind. The world was dyed with jealousy and selfishness. If only the world could see the harm instead of the possible gains.

It had felt like mere minutes before the sound of the main door opened. The loud squealing as the metal scrapped off the floor. The sound had stirred Classic from the short rest, his gaze rising to a figure approaching the cells. Once they were close enough, Classic felt himself tense up in fear. Dream hovered by Classic's cell, Ink behind him. They both met his gaze, a slight smile appearing on dream while Ink seemed slightly sad.

"Why good morning Classic, how are you feeling today?" Classic lowered his head before looking away. He refused to speak to Dream. 

"Classic, understand we did this for the better good. Dream's brother must fall before he brings both kingdoms crashing down. We're trying to simply save one instead of losing both." Irritation had rolled over Classic at Ink's words. He scowled before meeting Ink's gaze.

"I don't personally care what you are doing and why. I love Nightmare, so my loyalty will always remain with him. No matter what you say. What you do. I will remain by his side until death. My future belongs to him and nothing can alter that." Dream gave a wicked smile before grabbing the bars lightly. He chuckled low before his voice was laced in confidence.

"We'll see about that. Once we're done with you, you may not even recognize him. Your the key to our victory, we just have to make you see it. See our goal and the future we desire. You'll come around soon." 

"Bite me!" Classic lost the pinpricks in his eyes as he turned away. He could hear the sound of keys clanking. Glancing momentarily, he felt his whole body tense as Dream opened his cell. He could see a needle resting in his left hand, fear hitting Classic hard. "Go away... Don't touch me!" 

"Be still, would you. It'll only hurt if you struggle." Classic's raised voice had drawn Error and Horror's attention, both giving threatening waves. 

Free Me From My Chains (ClassMare)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin