"Yes sir, I'll look into boarding schools. Thank you. I'm so sorry." she clipped.

Elijah snapped his head up, looking horrified. His mother had agreed. He suddenly regretted the episode, not that he didn't before, because he had only just found out the Mr. Rowley had asthma.
He wouldn't have done it if he'd known.
Many calls, internet searches and consultations later, his mum had somehow decided that he would be sent off to some school in a fucking forest called Stonewall Academy.
Away from civilization, the bustle of cities, sounds of vehicles whizzing past and most importantly, away from ice-cream parlours. Now this bothered Elijah a great deal.

They'd driven for three hours when he noticed that they were on a narrow road, empty for miles ahead and behind them, flanked on both sides by thick, very green vegetation and tall trees. It was otherworldly.
He looked up in awe and was greeted with the sight of the sky in shades of purple, yellow and teal. Bright orange splashed across like the blue sky like it had been lit on fire with gasoline.
He was a sucker for evening skies and ice-cream.
In a few minutes, they'd arrived.
High, stone walls and a giant gate nestled in the middle. He rolled his eyes as he remembered the name of the school.

How fucking creative.

Liz killed the engine and Abby went to get his luggage from the back. They walked inside and suddenly Elijah's nerves kicked in worse than before. He held on to Abby's elbow, and he was certain his nails had created tiny clefts in her skin.
They went into what looked like the Principal's office.

Here goes nothing.

They were seated in front of the large, teakwood table with a stern, majestic looking lady across from them.

"Elijah Kingston, I am your Headmistress, Miss Delavere. This is your first year here at Stonewall High and I'm glad that you've decided to enroll yourself in here. I expect you to behave, and be mindful of your actions at this place. I look forward to seeing you grow into the mature young man you should've been."
She says immediately, looking straight at him and breaking into a tight lipped smile.

She was intimidating, with her brown hair tucked into the neatest bun he'd seen, her smoothly ironed shirt and piercing eyes. She also looked like she was very tall.

His mum and Miss Delavere made small talk for a few minutes after which he was handed a slip with directions to his dorm room.
Abby and him walked along the corridor, climbing the first floor and taking the first right. From the large window built into the wall he looked out and saw that the campus had students loitering here and there, some in groups and some individuals. They were probably his seniors. He saw a group of four boys in basketball shorts and jerseys running toward a towering, ancient-looking building in the distance. It looked straight out of Hogwarts, with the spiralling tower and stone walls looking dim and grey.

Room no 204 sat there, unused, newly painted and very brown. Elijah unlocked the door and walked into the room that would be his personal space for the next two years. Well not really, because he had a roommate. It was furnished with two beds, a lampstand and two closets on either side of the room, with one bathroom. The floor was made of hardwood. He set his boxes and bags down and looked at Abby.

"EJ, God I can't believe you won't be there to annoy the shit out of me everyday now." Abby sighed, looking sad.

"Christmas Abby! I expect a lot of love and gifts and oh, please master your cocktail making skills by then." Elijah said, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

They went outside where his mum was still talking to the Headmistress. Upon seeing them, Miss Delavere smiled gently and walked away.

"How do you like it muffin?" asked Liz.

"It's alright mum"

They walked outside the gate and stood while a lot of unspoken words were said among them.
They were a family of little words, but very affectionate and loving with each other. He hugged his mother and Abby goodbye and stood watching them as they drove off into the sunset. Taking a deep breath, he walked back to his room.
He began to unpack and arrange all of his stuff on his desk and in his closet. His basketball shorts, jerseys, sweatshirts, and ripped pants.

He sighed with relief as he finally topped the lampstand with a framed picture of his mum, fourteen year old Abby with braces and an eleven year old Elijah at the beach, eyes crinkled and smiles so wide you could hear the laughter if you heard closely.
His mum had gotten the week off and they'd gone to Florida for a vacation, which was very rare for the Kingston family. It was Elijah's earliest memory of the smell of sea water, the salty breeze and the damp air that hung around them for miles. The best place to watch the sun go to sleep.

Good times.

He was going to miss them.



So here's the first chapter lol. I'm not even sure anybody's going to read this, but onward we go. The idea's been nagging me for the past few weeks and I decided to put it into action. Hope you guys like it. (If anyone's reading that is).
If y'all like what you read, do vote and leave a comment.
Much love XD. Thank you!
P. S - This is unedited :)

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