Bringing Emma home

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Emma had to be in the hospital for a couple of days to get the water out of her lungs and to knock out the pneumonia she developed following the river rescue. Plus her double ear infection that she had as well

"Hey princess" Logan says as he enters her room to bring her home

"Hi daddy" she says happily to him

'Are you ready to go home princess?" he asks her

"Yes daddy I am" she says happily as she goes and gets dressed, so they could head home, and she could get settled in her new life as a Henderson

'I did your room for you baby" he says from outside of the bathroom where she was getting dressed at

'Can i see it when i get home?" she asks him

"Sure baby you can and i did you a playroom too done with Barbies, dolls you name it is for you baby girl cause i love you very much" he says as she comes out, so he could put her shoes on her

Logan carried her out cause he wanted to carry her instead of having her walk out to his car

"Here we go princess" he says as he buckles her in her car seat

Emma was excited to see what her playroom, and her room looked like when she got to Logan's house

(Logan's house)

"Here we are baby" he says as he pulls into the garage with her

"Can you carry me daddy?" she asks him

"Sure baby doll" he says as he picks her up after she unbuckled herself from her booster seat

Logan felt really good about this bond that he formed with Emma, and he couldn't wait to see where this goes with the two of them

"Here we are princess" he says as he shows her room

Emma really loved the canopy bed that he got for her

"Are you sleepy sweetie?" he asks her when he sees her yawn

She nods as she rubs her eyes

"I'll get you ready for bed, and I'll tuck you in" he says as he helps her get undressed, so he could tuck her in her canopy bed that was really big for her

Once she was ready for bed she got into bed and Logan tucked her in

'Daddy can you tell me a story please?" she asks her

"Sure princess" he says as he gets into the bed with her

Emma snuggles close to Logan as he tells her a story

"Sweet dreams princess" he says as he tucks her in and gives her a kiss on her forehead before he leaves the room to go unpack her things, and organize her medications that she was on to help her on her road to recovery

"Time to bring in her hospital bag, balloons, and the stuffed animals that she got while she was in the hospital" he says as he goes back out to his car to get everything that Emma had with her when she got released from the hospital

Logan got everything in and organized while Emma was asleep


"Daddy" Emma calls from her room

"Coming princess" he says when he hears her call out for him

"I had a bad dream" she says as she sobs

"It's okay baby girl I am right here would you like one of your stuffed animals to hold as you sleep?" he asks her

Emma nods

"Okay I'll get you one of the animals" he says as he goes over to the neat pile that he made for her and gets ones of her stuffed animals

Emma holds the stuffed animal close to her as Logan rocked her side to side trying to get her to calm down

"I'm right here sweetie I'm not going to let anything happen to you" he says as he tucks her back in her bed, so she could finish her nap cause he could tell that she didn't sleep well when she was in the hospital

"Daddy?" she asks him

"What is it sweetie?" he asks her

"Can i have a baby sister?" she asks him

"Come here i want to show you something i have been working on while you were in the hospital" he says as he helps her out of bed cause he knew that she couldn't walk good enough cause she was kicking for her life trying to stay afloat in the water while he wa rescuing her from the river

Emma held onto Logan as he showed her the room that he worked on

"Here you go sweetie" he says as he shows her a nursery that he did for her

"Do you mean i can have a baby sister?" she asks him

"Yes princess you can have a baby sister who i get to bring home tomorrow cause while I was visiting you I looked at the babies that were in the nursery, and i saw the perfect one that could be your baby sister cause she was brought in cause her mommy couldn't take care of her anymore" he says looking into her pretty eyes

Emma was one happy little girl that she was getting a baby sister

"You can see her tonight sweetie, and then tomorrow we'll pick her up before i take you to school" he says as he takes her to the living room where he was going to let her watch t.v on the couch

Emma was excited about that

"Here we go baby doll" he says as he makes her a bed on the couch

Once Emma's head hit the pillow she was fast asleep like a little angel

"I love you Emma" he says as he puts some music on for her to listen too while she sleeps

Logan secures the car seat in his car for the baby that will be coming home tomorrow

"My life will be complete with two girls" he says as he heads to the nursery to get the diaper bag ready for the baby, for when she comes home tomorrow from the hospital

(After Emma's nap)

"Hey princess sleep well?" he asks her

She nods as she rubs her eyes

"Would you like some lunch princess?" he ask her

She nods as she turns on t.v to watch something on Logan's television

"Maybe after lunch we can get you your backpack, and everything that you need for kindergarten cause I'm going to let you stay in your jammies cause some of your medicine that you are on makes you sleepy, and i want you to be comfortable while you sleep" he says as he serves her lunch

Emma eats her lunch like a good girl cause she was hungry and she couldn't wait to see sissy that night

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