Bringing Bella home

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"Okay Bella sweetie you are going home to see Emma who has missed you an awful lot since you were in the hospital baby girl recovering from being asleep for so long, but daddy knows why you were asleep for so long. Plus daddy got you a playmate to play with, so you and her can grow up together love bug. You guys are going to get along great I can feel it, and you guys can grow up together and be the best of friends, and tell each other secrets that daddy won't know about" Logan says as he carries Bella Henderson to the car to go home where she was going to grow and thrive with her daddy who loved her for who she was, and not what was wrong with her on the inside cause he loved her with all his heart and he couldn't wait to love her more as she grows and changes over the years into a perfect little girl that he would want to raise and cuddle with and scare all of the monsters away when she had a bad dream, and make feel better when she was sick and needed daddy to cuddle with her

Logan talked to her the entire time he was carrying her to the car to buckle her back in her carrier car seat to go home to be with her sister cause he wanted to make up for the hospital when she was asleep and she couldn't hear daddy's voice at all as he talked to her and tried to hold her close to him and now he could do that to his hearts content with her in his arms once more like how it should be

"Here we go baby doll daddy is going to put you in your car seat, so you can go home to your sisters who can't wait to see you again" he says to her as he secured her in her car seat to go home to stay with her sisters that she loved especially her big sister Emma who loves her right back cause those two are meant to be sisters from the very beginning of time

Logan was careful with the straps cause she was going to be having seizures at unexpected times, and if she has an attack in her car seat on the way home. He wanted stop the car to get her out to bring her out of it as much as possible, and as quick as possible as well that way they could continue to go home to where Emma was waiting for her baby sister to come home, so they could be reunited once again like how it should be with both of them

"Daddy has your mirror that you love so much in front of you, so you can see yourself pretty girl" he says as he buckles her in her car seat cause he was going slow just in case she had an attack and he needed to get her out fast and hold her in his arms to bring her out of it

Bella continued to coo up a storm for daddy as he secured her to her car seat to go home cause she was quite the talker out of all of the girls

"Are you talking huh cutie pie for daddy?" He asks her as he made sure she was secured in her car seat the best that he could with her, and made sure she was safe and sound before leaving the hospital with her in tow

Bella smiles right up at daddy cause she loved him and he loved her back

"I take that as a yes" he says to her as he gives her a kiss on her nose that she loved cause she had missed those most of all

Logan kissed her nose before getting in the front to drive home that night

"Daddy is putting your music on to listen to as he drives home from the hospital baby girl. That way you are calm and relaxed in your car seat" he says as he starts the car to go home with her in the backseat cooing up a storm

Bella was relaxed and enjoying herself as daddy took her home to see her sisters and her big sister

"You okay back there honey cause daddy is worried about you" he asks as he looks into the mirror at where she was and what she was doing at the moment

Bella coos at him as she plays with her little toes cause her toes were fascinating right now to look at and play with since they have some color on them which she was liking

"Your sister Emma did your toes for you while you were sleeping" he says as he pulls into the drug store to get her medicine, so they could continue to head in home that night. Plus he was going to pick up some diapers for her as she has changed a lot since she was in the hospital, and she needed a bigger size


"Okay Bella daddy has your medicine, diapers, formula, some more bottles as well as pacifiers for you to suck on to calm you down, teething rings for you to gum on cause you are going to be getting your teeth soon and you are going to be in pain, some toys to keep you occupied cause you are going to be in your room for a while cause daddy has to baby proof the entire house, so you are safe when you have your seizures and you don't fall and hit your head baby girl" he says as he buckles her back in her car seat cause he had to get home cause Kendall was in charge of the other four as he put the big box of diapers in by her and her medicine was going in front by him, so he could see how often she needed the medicine

Bella started to cry as soon as he put her back in her car seat cause she hated that thing

"Oh princess are you hungry huh?" he asks as he gets her out of her car seat to feed her with the formula that she had to have, so her seizures could be under control

Logan quickly makes a bottle for her, so he could feed her and make her happy again he hated to see her upset

"Here we go baby doll" he says as he feeds her the formula in the bottle that he made for her

Bella was happy with her formula that she had

"You must be hungry baby doll" he says as he watches her eat with such passion cause she was on feeding tubes and having breast milk cause he couldn't feed her right cause she was in the hospital bed in a coma and he was happy to have her back in his arms, so he could feed her meals like how it should be

"Easy there darling don't choke" he says as he wipes the formula that was coming from her mouth cause she might choke and he didn't want nothing more to happen to his little girl then what already did cause he hated to lose her at such a young age and she had so much to live for and he wanted to see her grow and change over the years and become a wonderful little girl that was going to be so full of life and bring the light to others when they needed it the most

Bella finished a few minutes later and Logan burped her

"There we go darling all better now that you have your belly full huh sweet girl?" he asks her as he lays her down to change her

Logan changes her before buckling her for the rest of the journey home

"Okay sweetie time to head home to see sissy and your new baby sister" he says as he got ready to drive home with her since she was a happy camper once again in her car seat

"My little Bella" he says as he looks back at her as he drives cause he was happy to have her back in his life once more and he couldn't wait to see what is going to happen as soon as he got home with her and how Emma was going to react to her sister being home and all better once again

(Logan's house)

"Okay princess time to face the music" he says as he gets her out of her car seat as soon as he pulled into the garage with her starting to drift off to sleep cause the music made her sleepy during the car ride home

Logan changed her into her jammies before bringing her into the house where the others were waiting on her to come home from the hospital and to rejoin her in the fold

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Logan rescued river girl wattys 2023حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن