Ms. Marigold comes back home

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Logan was quite busy in the kitchen all week making cookies for both girls class parties, and busy coming up with games and crafts for the kids in Emma's class to do since he was room parent since no one volunteered to do it. He was going to have Carlos and Alexa do Marie's class party since no one volunteered to do that room either 

"Emma, Marie can you guys come here please?" Logan calls to the girls 

Emma and Marie go to where daddy was

"Emma can you write all of the names of your classmates on the cut out stockings that i did?" he asks her since he was busy making the punch for the party cause he was going to have Kendall watch the little ones while he goes to the school house that day for the class party 

"Yes daddy" Emma says to her father as she gets to work working on the stockings for the party 

"Marie can you decorate the cookies for your party since I am going to try to be in two places at once tomorrow for both parties?" he asks her

Marie starts to decorate the cookies for her class cause each cookie was going to be different for the party

"Hello" Logan says when he hears his phone go off and he answers it to see who was calling him

"Logan it's me Ms. Marigold Marie's mom" Ms. Marigold says to him

"Oh how are you?" he asks as he leaves cause he didn't want Marie to know that it was her mom calling just in case there was surprise for her for Christmas cause Logan wanted to keep it a surprise for her until he knew all of the details when she comes home and if she was going to surprise Marie at school too

"I'm good I'm on my way home to be with the girls in time for Christmas" Ms. Marigold says to him

"That's good when are you coming in?" he asks her

"Tomorrow at noon, so I am going to set it up with the school that I will surprise Marie at the assembly as well as my class" Ms. Marigold says to him

"Yeah I think she will like that a lot, and I have my friends doing her class party cause no one volunteered to do it this year, so I am going to be overseeing both parties" Logan says to her

"Oh no I am going to make sure the party is the best, so you won't have to do much cause you have Emma's party I am guessing?" Ms. Marigold guesses

"Yeah I got both parties, so I got to get back to work getting everything together for the party which is going to be fun cause once i get the little ones down for a nap I am going to have Kendall watch them, so I can head to the school to be with them" Logan says to her 

"That sounds like a plan I will see you tomorrow at the assembly" Ms. Marigold says as she gets off the phone with Logan 

Logan kept it a secret until the next day which was going to be crazy enough for him cause he was going to give Carlos and Alexa what the need for the one class party, and he will need to keep what he needs for Emma's party separate from Marie's party 

(Next day)

"Thanks Kendall for doing this for me" Logan says as Kendall comes into the house to watch the little ones while Logan was at the school for the class parties that was going to happen before break

"Welcome Logan anything that I need to know before you set off?" Kendall asks him

Logan shows Kendall where everything is and what toys what each girl plays with and the emergency numbers just in case something happened to them and where the first aid was as well as the medicine cause anything can happen while Logan was out of the house and at the school house for the class parties 

"Okay Logan I got it go the little ones are in good hands with me and I will have James come over to help me just in case all three little ones want me" Kendall says as he calls James

Logan felt better that James was going to be coming over to help Kendall watch the little ones while he was at the school house for the class party's

(School house)

"Daddy" Emma says when she sees Logan come into the school cause Logan had to be there early to set-up and he was going to record Marie's reaction to when her mom comes home from the army cause Marie doesn't know that her mom is there waiting to surprise her

"Hey Emma can you help me a little bit with what I have and then you will have to get to the auditorium for the assembly" he says to her cause Emma had to go down to the office for something 

Emma helped her father with what he had brought for both classes cause while the classes were at the assembly Logan wanted to get everything in place cause he was going to be going between the two first grade classrooms for the parties 


"Ms. Marigold you ready?" Logan asks her backstage cause he was able to get everything set up quickly for the party

"I guess I am and I can't wait to see Marie again" Ms. Marigold says to him after she had changed back into her uniform cause she wore regular clothes as she came back to her her students

"She has been missing you a lot and I will help with the baby cause I am pretty sure she won't recognize you" he says to her in a whisper

" I am not surprised" Ms. Marigold says to him 

Ms. Marigold was a nervous wreck as she waited for the right time to come out to shock Marie that she was home to stay and she was okay after her injury 

"Marie can you come up on stage?" the principal asks to her

Marie makes her way up to the stage for her surprise that was waiting for her

"Marie look behind you" the principal says to her as the curtains open 

Marie was shocked when she saw her mom when the curtain opened up and she saw something or someone standing there 

"Mommy" Marie says when she sees her mom again on that stage 

Marie wheeled as fast as she could to her mom that was in the very back of the stage cause she had missed mommy a lot and was really glad to see her again

"Marie" Ms. Marigold says to Marie as she runs to her to hug her as well cause she had missed her little girl while she was gone 

Ms. Marigold was able to scoop Marie up and hug her close to her 

"Yes everyone Ms. Marigold is back and is here to stay after serving our country, so can we give her a big thank you?" the principal asks the school

"Thank you Ms. Marigold" the students say to her 

Ms. Marigold felt a lot of love that day

"Marie you will be spending your last nights at Emma's house, and after the holidays you will be moving back in with mommy" Ms. Marigold says to her

Marie was happy to be back with mommy and couldn't wait to sleep in her own bed again

"Baby sister?" Marie asks her

"I don't know about your sister she might take a little longer to warm back up to mommy since mommy has been gone for so long" Ms. Marigold says to Marie as she goes off the stage with her

V & C

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