Part 4

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The guys were up first and James and Kendall were making breakfast for everyone cause they had to get ready for the funeral that afternoon at the funeral home, and Carlos was packing the little one's backpacks with activities to keep them busy during the service cause it was going to be a long day for everyone cause there was the luncheon after the service, and Logan had to make sure that they had everything from the classroom cause the district had hired a new teacher for the school and they wanted everything out of the classroom that had belonged to Marie's mom

"Coffee is ready Logan" James says as he was finishing up breakfast as Logan came out with the one who was teething and not feeling the best either

"Thanks, I am going to need it" Logan says as he was going to get a cup of coffee and he was going drink it cause he was going to need it after the night that he had with the little one cause she was not a happy camper at all night long, so she had to sleep with him and that's how it was the rest of the night with her sleeping next to him in the huge bed

Logan was also going to grab some breakfast as well cause it was going to be a long time before they ate again at the luncheon that was going to be served after the service cause it was going to be a really long service cause everybody that Marie's mom knew that could take off was going to speak or perform for her service and the guys were going to perform as well for her mom cause Marie asked Logan if the guys could perform as well cause she was too much of a wreck to speak or perform for her mom's service and Logan was going to have her do her thing off to the side so she doesn't breakdown in front of everyone cause she was taking her moms death really hard and she was going to need extra time to get over this traumatic event that has happened and she won't be able to go to school for a while at least after her mom's funeral cause it was going to be too much on her cause she passed her moms classroom on the way to her classroom and that was never going to be easy for her unless she goes a different way to the classroom cause when she goes to fourth grade and fifth grade the elevator was by the classroom as well and that was going to hurt as well and hopefully she will feel better going that way in time and hopefully the school changes the room number as well when the new teacher starts or they might make the room a sensory room for kids that were different as well and she was hoping that they will go that route with her moms room in time cause she would like to be included on what's going to happen to her mom's classroom cause she is sure they will ask her and in her eyes she wants a sensory room for kids who just need a time out to calm down and come back down to earth as well

"Might as well start waking the kids up so they can have breakfast and start getting them ready for the service" Logan says after he has had his coffee and fully woke up he hated to be a grouch for the funeral cause he needed to keep it together for Marie and he was going to be one of the guys carrying Marie's mom since they could not get any service men to do it but she was going to get the 21 gun salute at her service which was going to be special for Marie cause she was going to keep the gunshot casings from the rifle and she was going to keep the flag that was covering her mom's casket and Logan was going to have it framed for her so she can have something to remember her mom and he was looking for the flag case for the flag cause he was going to have it engraved and he was going to have a picture inserted as well to help her remember her mom cause he was able to get the photo albums that her mom had of her and he was going to put those in storage and one day he was going to get them out and they were going to look through them together to help her remember her mom a little bit more as she gets older too cause she might cry when she remembers mom cause she was a daughter of an army member and she was her teacher as well when she started school of course

Logan got the kids up and they went down for breakfast that morning and he went to check on Marie and see if she was up and he was going to see if she wanted her hair done for the funeral cause he could do it for her no problem at all for her and Alexa was going to do her makeup as well cause she asked her to do her makeup for the funeral cause she wanted to look a little bit grown up when she goes to her mom's funeral cause she wanted her mom to see her as a young lady as well before the casket was closed forever and she never sees her mom ever again as well cause she was going to miss her mom deeply

"Morning Marie" he says as he came into her room cause he saw her door was slightly opened and he could see her moving slightly in her bed so he was going to help her get up and let her get ready as well too cause he wanted to give her some space as well cause she still needs to grieve as well so she won't be herself for quite sometime like a few months five or give or take right now

Marie waves at him as she slowly wakes up from her slumber cause she had a very hard time sleeping and she was up through the night

"Did you sleep good? I take it you didn't" he says as he looks at her as he entered her bedroom to get her up that morning for the funeral cause

She shakes her head no she did not sleep good at all so she was a little sleepy that morning of course and a nap was going to be in her future as well probably after the service and she was going to go to bed early that night if she was sleepy enough he was going to have her sleep with him for a while at least until she gets over this horrible nightmare that she was apart of and doesn't seem to end at all either and she wanted it to end and she could get back to her normal life but since her mom was gone that hurt was never ever going to go away anytime soon and it was going to come back to haunt her until she gets over it and she can fully move on but that may not be for several years until she is in middle or high school and she will need a lot of therapy to help her recover from her mom passing away at a young age as well and getting a temporary dad until the adoption goes through and she has a family once again and Marie was hoping that the judge lets Logan adopt her and her sister and she stay with him forever cause he was nice to her and he was helping her get through this patch in her life right now as well and she needed someone to be her rock and let her know it was okay to cry and let it all go as well and she can take it one day at a time as well or one month at a time if she wanted to take it that way cause her way of healing was going to take the longest time to heal from this tragedy and the trauma as well cause she had to see her mom coming off the plane in a coffin and not to see her face for the last time as well which was really heartbreaking for her as well cause she wanted to give her mom a big old hug and a kiss on the cheek as well and tell her how much she loved her as well and now that's no more and no more happy Mother's Day for her at all either and her baby sister was not going to be able to have that experience at all either like she did and that broke her heart completely

"That's okay if you zonk out early I won't say anything" he says as he helps her cause she was totally out of it as well and he understood that it was going to be a rough time for her for a while at least the first few years at the most right now the holidays are going to be the most difficult on her for the time being at least until she has fully recovered from this and she may not fully recover from this at all and she will blame herself why her mother was killed in action overseas and she was still going to blame herself for not spending more time with her mom as well when she was alive as well and Logan will have to tell her it wasn't her fault that her mom got killed overseas and it was due to the fighting that was happening over there that did it

More next week hopefully for sure and in the future

Happy Easter

On hold for two weeks

Back on schedule next week once again

More next day off when the views are up more then what they are sadly so maybe next week definitely

Logan rescued river girl wattys 2023حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن