One on one time with baby

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Marie was glad to move back in to be with her mommy who she missed the most, but wasn't happy that her sister wasn't there with her like she wanted

"Marie be good mommy will be back to work soon right now I am going to bond with your sister a little bit to see if she will accept me or not" Ms. Marigold says as Marie and Emma hop the bus to go to school that morning

"Bye mommy" Marie says as she waves out the window at mommy as the bus heads to school that morning

Once the bus was out of sight Ms. Marigold heads over to Logan's house to see the baby and see if she would let mommy hold her

"Oh Ms. Marigold come in sorry about the mess Lily wanted to play this morning a little bit" Logan says as he holds Bella in his arms

"That's quite alright I should get use to this" Ms. Marigold says as she comes into the house to see if she could see her little one

"Yes a little bit" Logan says as he puts Bella in her playpen for the time being while he gets the baby from her little nursery

Bella started to play with her toys happily in her playpen while daddy went to get the one baby that has been staying with them for the longest time

"Hey sweetie did you sleep good?" he asks as he picks the little baby up from her crib

The baby girl cooed up at him as she was being taken care of

"That's good you were up half the night with you other tooth that is coming in" he says as he lays her down on the changing table to change her wet diaper for a new one

The baby puts her finger in her mouth

"I'm going to feed you, but this morning someone new is going to feed you and that is your mommy she cam back and she is dying to meet you" he says as he continues to get her ready for the day

Once the baby was dressed and ready Logan takes her out so Ms. Marigold could feed her some breakfast that morning

"Hey sweetie" Ms. Marigold says as she looks at the baby that was with Logan that morning

"Look darling there's mommy" he says as he hands the baby to Ms. Marigold, so he could get the baby her breakfast that morning

The baby wasn't happy when she was with someone different other then Logan

"Oh sweetie it's just mommy is all" Ms. Marigold says as she tries to calm the baby down while her breakfast was being prepared

She wasn't liking it one bit

"I forgot to name you sweetie before i left" Ms. Marigold says to the baby as she looks at the baby that she had in her arms

"I left the birth certificate blank cause I wanted you to pick her name" he says as he brings the highchair into the room so she could be fed by mommy that morning

"Thanks Logan" Ms. Marigold says as she places the baby in the highchair

"Welcome" he says as he puts the baby in her highchair so she could be fed

Logan puts the bib on her so she doesn't ruin her outfit

"I'll be over here just in case you have some troubles with her" he says as he goes over to where Lily was playing her toys since after breakfast was playtime for the younger ones before nap time that morning or quiet time where Logan would teach them some things and help them along with their milestones

Ms. Marigold nods as she starts to feed the baby her breakfast that morning

"Sweetie it's really good" Ms. Marigold says as she tries to feed the baby her breakfast

The baby wasn't accepting it from the stranger that was in the house

"Here comes the choo-choo train" Ms. Marigold says as she tries that method to feed the baby her breakfast

The baby kept her mouth shut for mommy

"Do you need some help?" he asks as he comes over to see if she needed help with the baby

"Yes please she does not want to eat for me" Ms. Marigold says to him

"Okay I know she will eat for me" he says as he comes over to help with the feeding

The baby knew who was going to be feeding her and opened her mouth really big for the bite that she was going to be given

"Okay now" he says to Ms. Marigold

Ms. Marigold fed the baby her breakfast her breakfast

"Thank you sweetie" Ms. Marigold says as she wipes the baby's mouth after she had been fed a bit of breakfast that morning

"I'll stay since you are a stranger in her eyes and she is use to me feeding her" he says as he stays close by just in case she has a bit of trouble with the baby getting her to have breakfast that morning

The baby was able to finish her breakfast for daddy that morning

"After breakfast i usually change her diaper before i let her play while I do some things so would you like to change her?" he asks her

Ms. Marigold nods as she follows Logan to the nursery where the baby slept at

"Okay sweetie we are going to change you before you play so you don't get uncomfortable" he says as he lays her down on the changing table to change her diaper

Logan buckles her cause she has a habit of rolling as she was being changed, and he stands by as Ms. Marigold changes her daughter

"That wasn't so bad" he says as he unbuckles the baby from her changing pad after she was changed

"No it wasn't" Ms. Marigold says as she stays close as she watches what Logan does with the baby on a day to day basis with her

Logan puts the baby in her playpen to play while he makes the beds and does the laundry and the morning breakfast dishes as well while the little ones played together with their toys

"Okay it looks like the rest of the morning is my own?" Ms. Marigold asks him

"Pretty much until they go for morning nap here in an hour or two" he says as he looks at the clock cause the three little ones go down for a nap here shortly so he could get more done and get lunch started for them

Ms. Marigold works on her lesson plans cause she was going to go back to work once the baby was okay with mommy and she was settled in with the girls fully cause she wasn't going to rush it when it came to the baby cause this was going to take some getting use to

(Two hours later)

"Okay girls nap time" he says when he looks at the clock

He picks up the babies and tucks them in and comes back for the other baby and shows Ms. Marigold about nap time cause she had to get use to it

V & C

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