"Yeah, I know how it feels. The memories just flood back and hit you like a brick..." John faded out, seeming a bit more sad, if that was even possible.

"I'll be there soon, try not to get too depressed. Is Smii7y there?" Ryan asked the younger.

"Oh umm, he's not here. I guess I'll see you when you get here. I might just be sitting in the bathroom vaping if Jaren doesn't show up soon." John spoke, his voice cracking a few times.

"Alright, take care."

"I will..."

With that Ryan hung up and began his walk through his apartment and to his car. He grabbed his keys off his table and set off, walking through the dim halls of the complex. He walked down the marble stairs and out the front of the place he calls home. He walked over to his grey Tesla, hopping in and starting it up, hearing the engine roar to life. He flipped on the air conditioning and set off to Delirious's house where the party was taking place.

He arrived shortly and noticed the over abundance of cars lining the driveway and the road. He pulled into a good spot outside the house, taking in the types of cars around him. He knew right off the bat which car was John, which car was Delirious's, and which one was Moo's. They all looked very distinct. The only one he didn't recognise was the Acura NSX parked on the side of the road. He brushed it off and walked up the driveway and up to the door where he gently knocked. The door found open to reveal none other than John, looking very excited. A big change from his gloomy mood earlier, Jaren must have showed up. Ryan raised an eyebrow at this, noticing the distinct sound of his friend's laughter from the other room.

"Hey stranger." John smiled, looking slightly down at the older man.

"Come in, everyone's here." John said excitedly.

Ryan decided not to further question it as he walked past John and to the living room, where everyone was gathered around on the sofa watching the latest Mario Kart race between Terroriser, Moo, Nogla, and Delirious. Vanoss was sitting next to his boyfriend cheering him on while the others mostly cheered for Terroriser. The occasional sarcastic remark from Nogla was thrown at the older Irishman, making Terroizer shoot back causing everyone to laugh their asses off. Ryan watched and smiled as everyone went back on with what they were doing once John moved out from in front of the TV, after being an asshole and deciding to walk in front of their match. To add onto that, he walked slowly, throwing everyone off. While the racers yelled at him, the audience members just laughed hysterically as he made his way over to a very pleased looking Jaren and took a seat next to him, throwing an arm over his shoulder and pulling him close. Ryan smiled at their level of affection and was quite surprised that they weren't a couple yet. As the crowd exploded into laughter after Nogla fell off the map when he was in 1th, allowing for Terrorizer to pass him, Ryan heard a laugh that stood out amongst the others. The familiar laugh of a North Carolinian. He saw that Delirious wasn't laughing, and knew that Delirious also didn't have a deep laugh like that. His heart both ached and dropped when he realized who it was.

"John who was at the door?" Terrorizer asked, his thick irish accent laced his words in genuine curiosity despite having his full attention on winning the game.

"Oh it was just Ryan." John smiled nervously, looking over at Cartoonz, who's eyes went wide.

Delirious paused the game and everyone froze. Ryan now felt out of place and looked toward John and Jaren who were giving him an apologetic look for what was about to happen. Vanoss turned around and looked at the poor man before turning to Cartoonz, looking between the two.

"What?" Ryan asked, quite scared.

"I'm so sorry Ryan.." Delirious cut in.

"I forgot to tell you he was coming, I just wanted it to be a secret. I know how it affected both of you, and I wanted you two to try and make things better. I just couldn't bear to go through another year of this shit. You tried to kill youself, Ryan, for christ sakes! Luke, you almost went on a murder spree because you were driven to insanity." Delirious continues, standing up and turning around to face the two, he had a few tears running down his cheeks and when Vanoss noticed this, he tried to stand up, but Del just put his hand up, telling him he's okay.

"I cannot for the life of me handle this shit anymore because I love you both. You don't have to be friends, all I ask for is that you two stop this bullshit. It's been three years of nonstop pain for both of you. So stop being selfish, and talk to each other." Delirious said calmly, yet very demanding.

Ryan was in shock and even more so when Luke stood up and whispered something to himself as he walked by Ryan, grabbing his arm and practically dragging him to the kitchen with him. Luke let him go and stood in front of him, crossing his arms at the other. Ryan gulped and opened his mouth to talk, but soon closed it because he couldn't find his voice.

"Fuck it." Luke sighed and pulled Ryan in for a hug.

Ryan instantly melted and wrapped his arms around Luke's back pulling himself closer to the taller man, taking in the fresh smell of coconuts that he remembered all too well. They may have been separated for three years but he didn't seem to change a bit.

||"I Missed You"||

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