Chapter 46: The Arrival

Start from the beginning

Yamaguchi didn't say anything for a moment. "Kaisha, that's awesome," he said eventually, smiling at her.

Mikaela's smile split into a large grin. "Yams, life is good. I can't remember the last time I thought so."

He grinned back at her. "That's great news!" Yamaguchi leaned towards her and grabbed her in a hug, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Mikaela laughed and hugged him back, smiling into his shoulder.

Life is good.

Yamaguchi pulled back, letting his hands rest on her shoulders. "Let's go," he said, gesturing behind him to where Kageyama and Hinata were arguing. Tsukishima seemed to be egging them on and Yachi was trying to break them apart. "This'll be fun."

She laughed. "I don't doubt that."

They wandered over to the group, and together they began to tour the stalls that various vendors had set up. Some were selling little trinkets and such, but Mikaela's main interest was the fortune table, where they were handing out their odds for the year to come. The six of them gathered around the table and picked out their fortunes, eager to open them.

"Ha!" Hinata cried out as he tore his open. "Future blessing!"

"Same here," Yachi said happily, showing her card to Hinata.

"This is garbage," Kageyama said with a scowl, glaring so hard at his card that it looked like he wanted to burn a hole through it.

Tsukishima leaned over the setter's shoulder and smirked. "Great curse? Wow, you really are unlucky."

Mikaela's jaw dropped. "Kags, you got great curse?"

He scowled, about to reply, but Hinata jumped on his back. "Aw, Kageyama's cursed! Noroiyama!"

Kageyama snarled in retaliation and shook himself, trying to rid Hinata from his back. The orange-haired boy clung on like a koala to a tree, and Kageyama couldn't manage to shake him. Yamaguchi showed off his fortune- also future blessing, like Yachi and Hinata- and ran over to go help Kageyama as Mikaela tore open hers.

She laughed. "Curse. Wow."

Tsukishima smirked, and held up his card. "Of course I got the same thing as you. I'm not even surprised at this point."

"Why?" Mikaela taunted with a grin. "Sick of me?"

"I can't seem to get rid of you, no matter how hard I try," Tsukishima remarked, twisting the card over in his hand and refusing to look at her. "You're annoying."

Her grin widened. "You don't seem to be trying very hard," she teased.

To Mikaela's delight, his cheeks reddened. "Idiot," he said with a scowl, turning away from her and tucking his chin into his scarf. "You're not worth the effort."

"Whatever lets you sleep at night, Tsukishima."

"Frankly, you're one of the most annoying people I know, your Highness."

"Worse than Tobio?"


"Really? Worse than Shoyo?"

Tsukishima muttered something under his breath. "Dear lord, you're a pain."

"Oi! Kaela! Tsukki!" They both turned, conversation temporarily on hold. Yamaguchi was waving at them; he and Yachi were standing next to a booth but Hinata and Kageyama were nowhere to be found. "There's some cool stuff over here!"

The pair headed over to the stand, where Yachi was examining several small keychains and assorted accessories. Yachi was scanning the keychains and nearly jumped when Mikaela nudged her. "Oh! Mikaela!"

How to fly with clipped wings (English ver.) HAIKYUU!! FAN FICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now