In Vampire kingdom

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At the palace in Human kingdom

King Xander was currently in his study room, along with the queen, the Duke and Duchess Raizel, looking at the letter sent by the King of vampire kingdom. He sighed lightly and looked at his friend.

"Michael, what's your opinion about this?" Then the Duke told him that he is alright with this engagement, he's somewhat surprised."Rose seems to know that prince Eryk. Maybe that's why she agreed. long as she's happy, it's fine."

King Xander also agreed with his friend's words. "So you are going there next week... Then I will arrange some escorts for you." After chatting for sometime, they left leaving the king and queen in the room.

The queen sighed slowly. "I quite like that girl. It would have been great if she becomes our family." The king also agreed with her.

In the Royal palace of Vampire kingdom

Eryk along with his father and mother are now in Eryk's room asking about what happened during his travel. When his parents heard about his situation of surrounded many high rank beasts,their faces turned pale.

He also told them how he met Rose, Andrew and about the knight using the potion. Now they felt grateful for her and this is not her first time saving their son. "Mother,we have to get rid of that guy as soon as possible."

His mother is also thinking the same while his father turned to Eryk. "Why are only you two discussing and ignoring me?" Towards his father's question, Eryk's answer is also straight forward. "It's because you are dumb father."

Even though Eryk knew his father behaves like that when he's with them, he can't help but tease his father sometimes and his mother also plays along with him. Next, Eryk ignored his father's complaints and gave them the void stone he got from Rose.

They're also shocked knowing what that stone is and their reaction is even more extreme than Rose's family. " Father, I have something to ask you."
He can easily guess what his son wants to ask.

"I just thought she'd be compatible with you after hearing about her from you and Aron. That guy is bragging about her non stop and then only I get to know about her." Eryk nodded getting the answer he want. "You did something good for at least once, father."

Saying he left the room. The king turned to his wife "Why did this kid not know how to respect his father?" His wife just shot him a glance and left the room only leaving him inside.

Back to the Duke's villa

The Duke and Duchess sent a reply to the vampire kingdom and also to inform them that they would be coming there to discuss about the engagement. And then they started preparing for their departure.

While their parents are doing this, both Daniel and Rose are spending their days lazily not having anything to do. In these days Rose also met Amelia who came to their villa to meet her.

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