A request

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While Rose is waiting for Brenton,he contacted her and Zane informing them that he arrived at the village they are in. Zane went to pick him up and they entered Rose's room.

Seeing Zane's relaxed expression, Rose smilingly said to him. "I didn't forget about it, brother. Let's talk about that clearly later,ok." Brenton was obviously confused not knowing what they are talking about.

"Brenton why did you want to meet us?" Hearing the question, he went on his knees surprising both Zane and Rose. "Your highness I'm sorry if I disturbed you but I have a request."

"Brenton, you are a king for god's sake. Don't just casually kneel infront of others. As for your request, first take a seat and tell me." Seeing Rose's serious face,he mumbled an apology and sat on a chair.

"It's actually I need your help. I want you to help my friend." His words got her interested. "What happened and who's your friend?" Brenton started explaining " He's a nine tailed fox. Not the ordinary one but of a pure bloodline. I don't know what's happening to him but his mana is leaking out of his body in a fast pace and he can't even change back to his human form. I thought you might have a way to help him."

Rose furrowed her brows thinking about the situation that fox is in. " If it's what I think, his life is really in danger. I think it's better if we go to him as soon as possible. Brenton, where's he now?" Zane and Brenton were startled hearing her words.

"He also lives in the same place as us. When I noticed his condition, I brought him to my palace." Rose nodded and got up. They quickly exited the inn and went towards the forest of beasts. "Brenton, we have to get there quickly and we can't change to our dragon forms but you can. Do you mind both of us riding on your back?"

Brenton got happy and instantly agreed changing to his dragon form. They reached the palace in about an hour and went to the room where the nine tailed fox is in. Just nearing the room they can feel the dense mana surrounding it.

When they opened the door they were greeted by the scene where a large fox is rolling in pain. Seeing the door opened,it turned to the door seeing his friend, a boy and a girl standing there. The trio quickly went to his side.

When Rose saw the condition of the fox, she found that her theory is true. "It's a curse." The fox heard her words and looked at her in surprise. It slowly squeezed the words "what is it?" Brenton and Zane also paid attention to her words.

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