First destination (1)

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Their journey is going smooth and they will reach Moon kingdom, their first destination in two days. Rose is spending her time playing with the rabbit she picked up from the forest before. She named it snow because of its fur looking like snow.

Now the rabbit is sitting on Rose's shoulder while she's watching the scenery outside from the window and talking with Zane and Ryan using telepathy. " Zane, Ryan,we are going to stay in the Moon kingdom for a year and the same also goes for the other kingdoms."

After thinking for sometime Zane replied back "also, there's no need to take any missions from the guild immediately. Let's first tour the place to get accustomed to its terrain."

Ryan also agreed with the idea. "Since you have to inform the guild here that you are here, when you went there tell them that you will not be doing any missions soon." Rose approved Ryan's idea and just as she's about to reply,she saw a dragon flying towards the same direction they're heading to.

Lia and Serena also saw the dragon. They just thought that it's going somewhere as it's not rare seeing a dragon. But Rose felt that it's not only going in the same direction but towards them.

Rose immediately sent a telepathic message to the dragon asking why is it here. The dragon stopped for a second suddenly hearing a voice but came to its senses in an instant and replied back. "Your highness, I'm the nephew of  Uncle Brenton,you can call me Achaz. Uncle found a new dragon ore mine and sent me here to deliver some of them to you. He thought you may need them."

The dragon was very cautious in speaking in fear that it would anger her. "Since you are already here, I will take them for now and tell Brenton that I don't need them anymore. One more thing, remind him to inform me if there is any problem he can't handle."

Rose asked the coach man to stop the carriage and made him unconscious. When the dragon reached them,it transformed into a human. Rose asked the four of them to stay there and went towards him.

Achaz took out a space ring and gave it to her. "Your highness, I will take my leave." As he's about to transform into a dragon, Rose stopped her and gave him another space ring which has thrice the space than the ring he gave her.

"Since I took yours, take it as a compensation. Achaz, take care of yourself and your uncle." Achaz bowed in reply. "Of course, your highness. If that's it I will take my leave." Seeing Rose nod he transformed into his dragon form and returned.

Rose turned around to see Lia and Serena looking at her with wide eyes. You can't blame them for that as they never saw dragons being respectful to a human. When Rose reached there, she  released a small amount of her pressure and that's enough to make them difficult to breathe.

"I hope you will forget about today's happenings and won't tell anyone about it." Seeing Rose's smile reminded both of them a devil. They quickly nodded like their lives are depended on it and the pressure completely disappeared like it's not there.

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