Magic tutor

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Rose continued her secret practice of magic. Now Rose is 18 months old and she perfectly gained control of all the elements. Now she decided to check her status. Rose didn't dare to do it before because she think she's not ready.

Rose said 'status' in her mind and a screen appeared before her which contains all her details.

Name: Adriana Rose de Raizel
Age: 1
Level: 0
Race: ??? (Not eligible to know)
Magic affinity: all magic elements
INT : 1000
STR : 1000

Agility: 1000
MANA : max
HP: max
Titles: reincarnated one, god blessed, little prodigy, immortal,best assassin

After seeing the status, Rose's eyes widened like they will roll out of the sockets. 'what? I'm an immortal. What's happening?' Rose thought it's time to tell her family about her magic. Soon, it's lunch time and Sophia picked her up from the library.

Rose was welcomed into the dining room with doting smiles of her family which made her laugh with happiness. 'maybe this is what having a family feels like'. The three and the maids covered their face to stop the nose bleeding.

'how can she be so cute'. This is the thought everyone has. Rose's father made her sit on his lap and they ate lunch with smiles. The whole room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

"Father, mother and brother. I have something to tell you." The curious trio turned to her and her mother asked her. "What is it, sweetie?"

"Not here, mother." Hearing the serious tone in her daughter's voice,dia turned to her husband with a worry face. He too understood what his wife was thinking. "Fine, darling. Let's go to my study after lunch". Saying he kissed Rose in her forehead making her giggle.

After the lunch,the family went to the study room. "You can start now, darling". Rose nodded at her father and started talking. "Father, I want a magic tutor." Her words surprised the trio.

"But sweetie, you know that magic is practiced when you're 5 ye..." Dia's words were cut off when Rose made a fire ball at her fingertips. Shock won't be able to describe their expression. Her father was the first one to broke out of his stupor.

With a sigh he turned to Rose. "How many elements you can use?" Rose decided to show it through actions and made a ball of every common and rare element."""What?"""Her father, mother and brother exclaimed at the same time.

Then the three started laughing like a maniac and crushed get into a group hug. "Stop it. I can't breathe". Then only they released her but filled her with praises.
"Hahaha....who is she? My daughter. She is sooo good." Rose's father said making her mother smack her father.

" Where is your manners, darling?" Then dia turned to her daughter "oh baby,my sweet daughter. You sure are my little prodigy". Rose's mother rained her face with kisses until she was stopped by Rose's brother.

He tackled Rose into a hug "my dear little sister, now there will be many wolves after you. I will make sure they will stay away from you." Now it struck her father. "You are right, son. We will definitely chase those wolves away."

Rose mother's face changed into a smile that send shivers to both gentlemen. They immediately shut up. "Now, sweetie. Is there anything other than that you have to say?" Rose nodded "I can use all legendary elements also".

Now the happy atmosphere turned gloomy. "Rose, this is a serious matter. We have to keep this a secret. Otherwise, it will even threaten your life." Rose understood the intentions of her family and answered with a 'yes'.

"I will search for a magic tutor who is reliable. If that's it, you can leave to your room. And darling I will also arrange a teacher for etiquette, history,maths and music teacher".

Rose nodded and got up to leave with her brother accompanying her. After they exited the room, her brother lifted her and started walking towards her room. "You have something to say right, sister?"

Rose turned to her brother in surprise and decided to tell him. "You can't tell anyone. Even to mother and father." Receiving a nod from him, Rose told him "I'm an immortal".

Her brother didn't seem that much surprised. " You are really full of surprises. But this is a big thing. Make sure you won't tell anyone. By the way, why did you tell me your little secret?"

Her brother's curiosity made her giggle and she gave a kiss on his cheeks. "Because I trust you,my dear brother." Rose's sentence made his face turn beet red and nosebleed. Then they reached her room and Daniel handed Rose to Sophia.

They parted ways and Rose continued her regular work (sleeping). Then Rose remembered something. 'why can't I go and register as an adventurer. It will sure relieve my boredom.'

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