Time to leave

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The next two days passed by uneventfully. Rose spent her time with Fynn as she mastered the technique they talked about before. That technique is so complicated that it took two days to just understand its concept.

As for the mastery of that, let's leave it for when she completely grasp it. Seeing Fynn hovering in the air in his dragon form, Rose also wanted to transform but remembering that there are others here she didn't do it.

"There's a separate place here where only I have the access to enter. If you want to transform, I can take you there your highness." Rose nodded without any hesitation and went with him. When they reached that place, Rose immediately transformed into an azure dragon.

Seeing the majestic azure dragon flying infront of him, the only feeling Fynn has is reverence. The silver dragon clan only listens to the azure dragon. After sometime, they returned to the palace and it's time for them to leave.

A second gate appeared beside the entrance of the palace. "This door will take you back to where you enter." The four said their thanks and farewell to Fynn and entered the door. Rose was the last one to leave saying she will come here again.

Passing through the door,they now appeared before the tree which is the entrance to star treasure palace. Walking to the place where they set up a camp before,they found the two knights in the tent.

And it's time for the four to separate. Eryk clenched his fists and his eyes filled with helplessness and sadness. Seeing him like that Rose remembered the moment when they're in the palace.

She held his hand and whispered. " I can help you if you want to find something." Eryk shook his head and hugged her. "Thank you." She also hugged him back. When the knights removed the tents and finished packing up, they also said their farewell.

Eryk's carriage is already waiting for them outside the forest,so he dropped Andrew and Rose near the inn they're staying. Before they depart, Rose didn't forget to remind him. "Eryk, confirm whether it's that old man or not and tell me."

Eryk can only nod seeing her angry. 'i hope it's not him.' After he left, Andrew called his guards and told them to get ready for depart. Since it's only afternoon,they departed and reached their kingdom after a week.

They directly went to palace to meet the king and inform him that they returned safely. They met the king and told him about the journey but didn't tell him every detail. They just told him that they found many rare herbs and ores.

Then she was informed that Ryan and others are back and are now in the palace. Rose then excused herself and went to meet Zane, Ryan and Nessa. Since she already told Andrew that she will be leaving for sometime, she directly teleported them to the Duke's villa.

When Rose exited her room, she saw her brother going towards the study room and called him. "Brother". Daniel was surprised to see Rose and hugged her welcoming her back. Rose got to know that both her parents are in the study when she asked Daniel about them.

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