Palace tour

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Andrew and Rose went to a garden nearby where no one is present. "I think crown prince knows what I wanted to ask?" Andrew looked at Rose with a smile. "Who would have thought that your illusion magic level would be that high, Ms. Raizel."

Those words brought a smile on her face which is filled with malice. "Say how did you know it's me?" Rose undid her illusion and returned to her original self. She sat on the bench and looked at Andrew with interest.

"It's nothing actually. My eyes can see through illusions by using mana. When I saw you entering, I can sense that you are using illusion magic. But just to breakthrough your illusion for a second nearly consumed my mana." He also sat down beside her.

'I have to increase my illusion magic level to avoid things like this happen again'. Rose mumbled lightly and turned to Andrew. "It's great you have such a power. I hope you can keep this a secret."

"Alright. But I have a condition." Rose's brows furrowed but she anticipated this situation. "What?" Andrew was surprised that she didn't reject straight forwardly. "Accompany me to a place. With your strength, we can definitely return alive."

"Where?" His words sparked curiosity in her. Return alive? Which means that place is full of danger. "Argosy. Just like the name, it's a place full of treasures but fraught with dangers." Rose thought for sometime and asked. "Treasures?For example?"

"Like precious herbs, mineral ores etc." Her eyes sparkled. "When?" From this, Andrew knew that she agreed to his condition. "Well,how about the day after tomorrow? Let's discuss the details tomorrow."

She nodded and again casted her illusion and went back inside where Calix and remaining are. When they are talking, princess Lia came inside and offered a tour around the palace. Having nothing to do,they agreed. Princess Lia came to Rose's side and held her hand.

"Wow, I never thought that I will see you this soon, Goddess." Lia's address shocked the people around mainly Andrew but he understood the reason quickly. Rose raised an eyebrow in question. "Goddess?" Lia chuckled in reply.

Lia showed them every room like her room,her family member's,treasury, magic court, medicine hall, training ground and more. Among them, there are two places Rose liked very much. They were the flower garden which has different types of flowers she never saw before and a small man made lake filled with white and pink lotus flowers.

They toured around talking with each other until the queen sent people to invite them to lunch. The usually calm dining table was filled with cheerful mood. The queen and Lia were asking the group about their adventures when suddenly the king interrupted them.

"Miss. Silver,if you don't mind can you  tell me where you obtain the petal of eternal dream lotus?" Rose didn't notice any other intentions behind his words and answered in an indifferent manner. "Infact I also don't know who he is. I helped him during my mission and he gave me two of those petals for helping him." The king nodded slightly and didn't ask about that anymore.

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