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How long the flight takes, I have no idea. At home, I lock all the doors and easily accessed windows and flop onto my bed. I really, really, really don't feel like socializing right now. Someone knocks at the door, but I yell at them to go away. Nope, nope, nope, the outside world doesn't exist for now.

Another knock. This time, someone speaks. "Special delivery for a Miss Moon!" He says in an obviously faked deep voice.

"Go away, Courier!" I yell in response. "I know it's you! There's only one person in Alola who delivers things, and that's you, and I don't want to talk!"

Silence. "Well, you're talking, aren't you?"

I throw my pillow over my head and ignore him.

I'm doing pretty well until a knock sounds at my window. "Miss, I can tell you aren't asleep." Sun says... from right outside my window!

"Courier!" I yelp, falling off the side of my bed away from the window. "What if I didn't have any clothes on, you pervert?!" 

Another, awkwarder silence. "But you did have clothes on."

I pull myself up, fuming. "Yes, but it's an example. Would you look into Lillie's window?"


I shoot a glare his way. "Courier, it isn't polite to look into anyone's window."

"You wouldn't answer the door."

"I don't want to talk."

"Why not?" Lillie asks from right behind me. She's standing with Hau in the doorway of my bedroom.

"What is it with everyone and breaking into my house?!" I shout. 

"You forgot." Gladion says. "We all have keys to your lab. You didn't lock the door from your lab to your house."

I pause. He's right. So instead, I settle for glaring at them all as Lillie lets Sun in. 

For a minute, we all stare at each other. Then finally, Hau makes a random comment. "Huh. I never thought your room would look like this." He says, looking around at my grey walls and dark purple furniture. My desk is... well, disorderly, papers scattered around shelves of books. Something tipped my desk light over, and I guess it broke against the wood. When did that even happen? Was her impending arrival throwing me more off balance than I realized?

"Well, what did you think it would look like?" I say grouchily.

Hau pauses, not seeming to notice everyone shaking their heads and making X motions with their hands. "Uh... a cemetery." 

"Why does everyone think that?" I mutter. "I'm still a girl. I like purple."

"That's not what we came to talk about." Lillie says at the same time as Hau says, "I thought you liked grey?"

Gladion drags Hau out of the room so Lillie and Sun can continue their interrogation. "We're your friends, Moon. We want to know why you're upset." Lillie says.

"Did you rehearse this?"

"Miss, you're like a totally different person." Sun continues. "I heard about our seniors from Kalos had some experience with Pokemon possession, and and a senior from Kanto, too. I was worried."

"Aegislash don't live around here, and you'd probably see a Gastly if I were possessed by one."


"Anyways," Lillie continues. "so we tracked you here to try and talk it out. If there's something that's bothering you, maybe we can help?"

"Is this because otherwise Hau can't use a microwave?"

"I CAN, TOO!" 

Ignoring Hau, Sun adds to that. "No, it's because you're our friend."

I don't say anything, just turn to stare out the window at the passing Pikipek as similar words hurl themselves around my head.

No, it's because you're my sister. 

Sandgem Town, Sinnoh

10:23 AM, Two Years Ago

"He- hello?" 

Her jacket was gone, and everything in the pockets of her jeans. She was lost in total darkness, and the only thing she could feel was the cold piercing her light clothing. She shivered. What happened? Where was she?

She shivered again, rubbing her arms to keep warm as she thought back. She'd been getting ready to leave for Alola, when... someone had snuck up behind her and hit her with Ice Beam. Whoever they were, they sounded like an adult male. And they had a Cloyster. Then... nothing. 

Her Pokemon hadn't been with her. They were... with her sister. Her sister would notice she was missing, right? How long had it been? How long would it take for her sister to search her favorite hideouts? Would her father even notice?

Well, probably not her father, but her sister definitely would. Right?

... Right?

That was all she could think before the cold stabbed at her and then she couldn't even feel that.

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