Welcome To Nashville

Start from the beginning

"Yes, because while you may be a huge asshole, you're still a supportive boyfriend"

"While you may be a huge asshole, you're still a supportive boyfriend" Marshall echoed Paul in a mocking voice.

I couldn't help but laugh, he really didn't care, if I spoke to Audrey like that I would meltdown.

Paul seemed to just ignore him and continue on, their partnership was like fluid, they didn't miss a beat.

It as amazing to witness.

I had only been around Marshall and the rest of his "family" for a few weeks, but I was in awe of everyone, they were so close and honest, and so easy to get along with.

That's how I wished my life was, what it must feel like to be loved by everyone around you without having people to expect something in return.


Marshall let out a slow whistle from behind me.

I stood up from bending over and turned around to see his eyes snap up from the lower part of my body and frowned at him.

"Don't look at me like that Daisy Duke, you're the one wearing shorts that leave plenty to the imagination, also" He said looking up leaning against the pillar "Nice house"

"Thanks" I smiled at him as he looked around "Welcome to Shady Oaks Ranch"

"Shady, like it's written in the stars" He shorted then continued "Wait, is that an indoor basketball court?" Marshall said jaw dropping open.

"Shady, like it's written in the stars" He shorted then continued "Wait, is that an indoor basketball court?" Marshall said jaw dropping open

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"Yea, feel free to use it, all the equipment is kept inside it" I said as he followed me over the threshold.

"This place is getting better by the minute"

"Harley!" My aunt's voice came, thundering down the hall.

"Aunt Jo!" I said wrapping my arms around her busty frame.

"I'm So glad to see you, I've missed you so much, and this must be the new beau I've heard about... I must say, it feels like an honor to meet the man that's got Harley's mothers panties in a knot"

"Pleasures all mine mam, I believe putting panties in a twist is what I do best" Marshall said with a deadpanned expression.

"I like this one already Harley" My aunt said with a grin hugging Marshall then stepping back and nudging me "You also have incredible taste in men when your mother isn't choosing them for you, are you introducing him to the lovely family?"

"Is she really that upset?" I said with a grimace as Marshall made himself at home on a chair in the sitting room.

"Ohhhh she was PISSED" Jo said with a smile "She harped on for hours about how disrespectful you are and that being with him brings shame to the family... It was divine"

I sat down on the chair next to Marshall "God what am I going to do?"

"I get why you kept it a secret for so long, but who cares what she thinks, she can't control you forever you know, one day you're gonna wake up and no longer fear her, besides," Aunt Jo said and gave Marshall a wink "I'm sure this one can outwit your momma's tongue, from what I've heard, he's got a venom tongue himself"

Marshall smirked and nodded as if in agreeance as he got up and walked to the window looming out.

"I've been ignoring her calls"

"Oh the whole of Nashville knows Harley, trust me, she's been telling everyone you're one hell of an ungrateful woman, your momma has been cursing your name for weeks" Aunt Jo said with a small smile "She looked crazy, it was a sight to see"

"So how fucked are we talking about?" Marshall asked my aunt flopping down next to me, placing his arm along the back of the chair behind me "I like to be prepared before battle"

I groaned.

This was going to be one hell of a showdown, and to be honest, I wasn't ready for the wrath I was about to walk into.

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