Steve spotted Bruce standing shyly in a corner, a drink in his hand, eyes locked on the ground. "I'll be back, Bruce is looking pretty lonely." he said as he began to back away. The other two nodded, and resumed their conversation. "Hey Banner." he muttered as he reached the shy man. "Hey Rogers. Enjoying yourself?" Bruce asked, perking up a bit. "I guess you could say that. I never really was one for winter." He gave a half smile, and the brunette returned it.

 "Why aren't you out there mingling?" Steve asked, knowing it was a stupid question. Everyone knew how Bruce was, how he never really liked talking to anyone. The man shrugged. "No one to really talk to but you guys, and you all seemed to be enjoying yourselves." Steve gave him a sympathetic look, but quickly corrected it. "Don't be that way Bruce, we all really like you." he told him, patting him softly on the back. Bruce grinned, and sipped at his drink. For some reason, Bruce always had the feeling that Cap hated him, he just kept it hidden.

 "So... You and Tony huh?"

 Steve immediately tensed, and glanced at Bruce, who now leaned on the counter casually. "I'm sorry?"

 "You know what I'm talking about Steve. You guys don't realize how easy you are to read."

 The blond swallowed hard, and sighed. "How much do you know?"

 "Nothing. I just kind of guessed." Bruce tried to hide his grin, and Steve looked at him. "You slick son of a gun." He laughed, and ran a hand through his hair. "Damn... You think I would have seen right through that one."

 "Maybe it's cause you're blond." Bruce joked, causing Steve to laugh harder.

 "I promise though, I won't tell anyone. I'm good with secrets."

 Steve gave him a nod of approval. "I trust you." "Steve! There you are!" Tony's voice entered the happy moment, and the two men looked to see him with a Brandy in his hand, and an overly happy look on his face. "Hey Brucie. You having fun?" Bruce rolled his eyes, and smiled. The man never ceased to amuse him. "Yeah, your boyfriend and I were just talking." Tony's smile fell from his face, and he opened his mouth to defend himself. "He knows Tony." Steve cut the man off before he could make a fool out of them. "What?" Tony looked at them astonished, and Bruce shrugged. "Lucky guess."

 Tony bit his lip, an uncomfortable feeling coming over him. “Tony, relax. I’m not gonna squeal on you,” Bruce said, placing a firm hand on his friend’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t want to do that to you. You and-” he paused to wave a hand at the blond. “Steve here obviously makes you very happy. And who am I to get in the way?” Tony’s lips curled into a smile, and he hugged his friend. “Thanks Bruce.”

 “You two go have fun, I’m going to try and talk to someone.” Bruce said, putting his drink down, and looking at the crowd. “Good luck buddy. See you back at the hotel.” Tony and Steve headed off in the opposite direction, Steve a few steps behind. They didn’t want to draw any unwanted attention. “Slow down a little would you?” Steve said through clenched teeth. He had finally caught up with each other at a secluded table, one that was out of sight. “Slow down? I thought I wasn’t going fast enough!” Tony replied, examining his drink. “You forget how long your legs are Cap.”

 Steve’s lips twitched; and he looked down at his hands. “I hate this.” He muttered to himself. “What?” Tony asked, focusing his attention on Steve. “This. I finally find the love of my life, and I don’t even get to hold his damn hand.” Tony pursed his lips, and placed his hand beneath the table, placing it on Steve's knee. The blond smiled, and placed one of his hands beneath the table as well.

 "See? We can still be lovers." Tony whispered, keeping a bored look on his face. “I know Tony, but I-" Steve began, but stopped when he heard the soft music beginning to play. A slow smile spread across his face. "You want to dance Mr. Stark?" he asked, releasing Tony's hand and beginning to stand. The brunette looked up in shock. "Do you think you can?" he asked, looking the soldier up and down.

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