Chapter Twenty-nine

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Tanden woke up groggy and confused. His arm ached, but it took him a second to remember the wound. With a groan, he pushed himself up with his good arm. His right arm was wrapped in clean white cloth, with dots of blood seeping through near the cut. Tanden turned his attention away from it, dwelling wouldn't help.

Soren was asleep and seemed peaceful enough, Tanden didn't want to bother him. Across the room, Acell was leaning against the wall wearily, his gaze on the door. He was wearing a black tunic that Tanden instantly recognized as one of his own.

Tanden cleared his throat to get Acell's attention. "You drugged me?"

"I didn't drug you," Acell replied, with a glance in his direction. "You fought me. The physician thought it was best."

Tanden narrowed his eyes. "You let him?"

"My job is protecting you, not catering to your every desire."

"Could have fooled me. When was the last time you wore one of my tunics?" Tanden asked. "I'm pretty sure it was after we played that game and I cut—"

Acell's gaze flickered to his own chest, almost like he'd forgotten about the fancy tunic he was wearing. "I ripped off mine to bind your arm, and I've been in this room ever since. Don't be antagonistic. I'm one of the few people on your side right now."

"I'm not being antagonistic, I—" Tanden caught Acell's look, paused, and sighed. "I'm sorry. This is all... I fucked up. I guess I know I should feel bad about it, but I don't. Do you have any idea what's going on?"

Acell shook his head. "Honestly, I'm waiting for the king's men to burst in and arrest both of you at any moment. Nothing to do but wait and see what happens. Maybe your brothers have it all under control."

It was possible. Or maybe they'd simply delayed the inevitable. "Are we stuck here?"

"I don't think you are, but I have a feeling the guards outside would strongely suggest against leaving. They couldn't stop you, of course, but..."

"They'd stop Soren?"

"I think so."

Tanden turned his attention to Soren, carefully shifting to get closer without moving the bed too much. As gently as he could manage, he stroked Soren's hair. "I'm sorry, mate," he mumbled. "I made everything worse. I know I should've listened to you, but I was so angry..." He went silent, continuing to stroke Soren's hair while letting his eyes run over Soren's various injuries. An idea came to him all at once, and he knew he had to follow through. "I won't let you get arrested," he said firmly.

Acell looked surprised when he got to his feet. "What are you doing?"

"Leaving. Do you remember my old first mate, Vosh? I need you to go find him." Tanden knew he sounded crazy. Given his recent behaviour, he didn't blaim Acell for the expression of doubt that flashed across his face. "I'm clearheaded, I know what I'm doing. I need you to listen to me."

"We should stay here," Acell said.

Tanden stepped in front of him. "Did you love me?"

"Don't start that, sir." Acell shook his head. "You know I did."

"So then please listen to me. Not as my knight, as my friend. I need to get Soren out of West Draulin. I can't have him shipped back to Zianna to sit in jail until the king decides whether or not he's guilty. Not in the condition he's in now. The guards and the other prisoners will turn on him." He was pretty sure of that outcome, and it terrified him. "I know you met Vosh once or twice. Do you remember?"

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