Chapter Fifteen

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When Soren woke up, Tanden was already on his feet, carefully trying to pull his tunic over his head. Soren groaned sleepily and sat up. His arms felt itchy and his skin felt stiff, but he knew better than to scratch at them.

"D'you want help with that?" he asked, stifling a yawn.

Tanden let out a sigh of defeat and frustration. "Yes."

Soren got up, but before helping Tanden with the tunic, he inspected his back. "It looks good. Yonah will probably finish it today." He held up the tunic so Tanden could slip his arms into the sleeves with as little effort as possible. "How do you feel?"

"Not bad, I guess," Tanden said. "It's itchy."

"Aye, that's normal. Leave it alone," Soren said. He got dressed quickly, then poured himself a glass of water from the pitcher. "Are we going to get some food, first?"

"Suppose we should." Tanden went to scratch his back then caught himself and frowned. "This is infuriating. Soren... last night..."

Soren felt a flash of panic. In the moment, with the darkening sky outside and the candlelight, the night before had been incredible. But he'd been tipsy and far more confident than usual and he didn't want to have to think about it during the day. "Captain, could we just—"

"—was incredible. But if you don't want to talk about it, we won't. What do Crelans eat for breakfast, traditionally?"

"Porridge. Reckon you can have fish added in if you're trying to be fancy, but it isn't what most people do."

"Porridge is so boring," Tanden complained. "I'll pay for anything that'll make it better."

"It isn't the same kind of porridge that the cook makes on the ship."

"Would the Kipper serve it?"

"They can probably make you anything you want."

"Oh, perfect. Let's go." Tanden led the way from the room, which Soren locked behind them. They walked back through the thin hallway, down the creaky stairs, and through the narrow alleyway to the front of the tavern. Tanden strolled through the doors, which were much emptier than they had been the previous evening. Soren followed him sheepishly, half expecting that anyone who looked at him would know what had happened.

Tanden leaned against the bar. There was only one employee there, a middle-aged woman. He smiled at her. "Good morning. I understand you may have some porridge."

"Aye." The woman nodded. "Want a bowl, do you?" She glanced over at Soren. "Two bowls?"

"Two, please," Tanden said. "I also hear that sometimes seafood can be added to the porridge."

Soren sighed. The woman frowned, clearly annoyed by the request. "Listen here, Teltan, I ain't makin' you some fancy— "

"It would be very expensive, I understand," Tanden interrupted her smoothly. "I'm willing to pay the higher price, of course. How much do you think it would be?" He pulled out his money. With a casual air that, to Soren at least, was very fake, he poured the coins onto the bar and started to count them.

The woman eyed the pile. "It'll be fifty siyas for each bowl."

Tanden grinned. "Ah, perfect! Thank you." He slid the siyas across to her. "Something to drink, as well? Water will do."

"Ten siyas for two cups."

Tanden added a brass siya to the pile, then scooped up the rest of the money and put it away. He sat down on the stool and motioned for Soren to join him.

Soren took a seat. "You paid way too much."

Tanden shrugged. "I'm aware."

"And you don't mind?"

Wanderlust (mxm)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora