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Monday, April 14th, 2014

There weren't many people at the roundabout by the time Theo arrived. He walked to the center of the roundabout before fishing out his phone to send Liam a message, letting him know that he was already at their meeting spot. He got a reply just a minute later.

Liam [8:58 pm]: "Almost there."

He looked towards the roundabout exit closest to the residential buildings, trying to see if he could spot Liam. True to his word, Liam arrived shortly after he'd sent the message. Theo noticed that Liam was looking for him and couldn't help but think that the man was even more attractive in person, even though he'd already looked very handsome in the photos. Unlike in the pictures though, Liam appeared to be growing his beard out and Theo though it suited him. Liam finally caught sight of Theo and waved at him, urging the latter man to walk over to him. Once Theo was standing face to face with the other man, he noticed that Liam was about his height, which Theo wasn't used to, as he usually was much taller than his partners. Theo was also particularly fond of the way Liam was dressed - his toned physique was highlighted by the straight cut of the black denim jeans as well as the mandarin collar white shirt, which draped nicely off his broad shoulders.

"Hey... Liam, is it?" Theo asked, just to be certain.

"Yeah, and you're Theo, right?" Liam's voice was deeper than Theo was expecting, as he gave his date a sheepish grin. Theo couldn't help but find Liam's shyness endearing. He also noticed that Liam's had a faint British accent and wondered what was the story behind it.

"Yeah," Theo smiled back at Liam.

"Sorry, if I'm being awkward. I've never actually done this before," Theo found it hard to believe that someone as good looking as Liam was even single, much less new to the dating scene, but he guessed he would have to take the lead.

"I think you're doing fine. Shall we head to 7-eleven to get some drinks?"

"Yes, drinks. Good idea."

Liam and Theo walked side by side all the way to the closest 7-eleven, where they grabbed a couple of beers and ciders, all while exchanging some light-hearted banter, slowly feeling more at ease around one another. They paid for their drinks and after stepping out of the convenience store, Theo turned to Liam and said, "Lead the way."

"Oh, right, this way."

Liam's building wasn't very far from the 7-eleven. After taking only a couple of steps, they were standing in front of Liam's building and Liam entered the access code so that they could get inside. Once the code had been accepted, Liam opened the door and said, "After you."

"Such a gentleman," Theo teased and Liam chuckled at his remark.

They went into the elevator and Liam pressed on the button for the 12th floor. Theo wasn't quite sure if they would have sex as soon as they got to Liam's apartment like he usually did with a lot of his casual partners, or if they would talk a bit before having fun. Even though he'd been on many spontaneous Grindr dates in the past, this one felt different and Theo wasn't sure why it felt that way.

Once they were inside Liam's apartment, both men took their shoes off and Theo took in Liam's apartment. To the left of the entrance hall was a small kitchen and in front of him was a spacious living room with a big window overlooking the Macau stadium. The apartment had a minimalistic vibe to it and he assumed the intention was to convey a sense of peace within those walls, but Theo could sense that there had been some recent turmoil by the moving boxes that were set aside next to the dining table.

"Do you want to have a drink first or...," Liam awkwardly asked, giving Theo control of how the date was going to play out.

"We can have a drink first if you prefer," Liam looked relieved at Theo's words.

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