"Well, since we're out of other options, let's give it a try." Aaron stood up and offered me a hand to pull me to my feet. I took it. "Which one of you wants to go inside the portal?"

"I'll go," I said. "I mean, I already went in once, so it's less scary."

"I can go with you again," Aaron offered. I shook my head.

"I think only one of us can go in. The prophecy says 'blue and gold', so it has to be one of us who enters the portal. Thanks for offering, though. I appreciate it."

Indigo looked like she wanted to say something, but changed her mind. She grasped her spear tightly in her hand. "Alright, Katherine. Be careful."

I nodded and stepped over the bottom edge of the portal. The mirrored throne room was just as silent and empty as we left it. It felt so much darker, since I was accustomed to the light from the throne room I came from. At least there were still a few torches and candles left in there.

"Ready, Katherine?" Indigo called. She stood about fifteen feet away from the portal for ample space to aim, since her spear was already seven or eight feet in length. I called back an affirmative answer as I aimed my sword at the right edge of the portal. Now on opposite sides of the portal, both of us cast the mending spell. I saw a burst of light from Indigo's spear, but my sword did nothing.

"Try your healing magic, Kath!" Aaron called out from his place beside Indigo. I returned Retribution into its sheath on my back, walked up to the portal, and placed my hand on its jagged edge. I murmured a quick prayer in my heart before summoning my healing magic. Blue tendrils mixed with the red immediately.

Aaron gave a shout of surprise. I almost pulled my hand away. This time, I saw my healing magic travel along the outline of the portal. From the other edge, Indigo's gold magic did the same. The gold and blue magic met each other at the top and bottom of the portal, before mixing and continuing on its way around the perimeter. Slowly, the portal began to stitch itself close.

"It's working!" I yelled happily. Indigo grinned at me and flashed me a thumbs up with one hand.

The portal slowly compressed in length but widened in width, going from a shaky ellipse into flattened oval. It looked like a big, red eye. I heard rumbling from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that the throne room that I was in was disintegrating before my eyes. Cracks formed and widened, splitting stone. Pillars began to collapse. A chunk of the ceiling fell and smashed the throne into the ground. The iron chandeliers wobbled precariously.

"What's going on?" Aaron shouted in alarm. He ventured closer to the portal and peered in. "Indigo, the throne room inside is falling apart!"

"What?" Indigo retracted her spear without thinking and began to run towards the portal. The gold magic disappeared, and the portal began to unstitch itself. Indigo hurriedly ran back to her position and recast the spell.

"Kath, you have to get out of there!" Aaron's eyes were frantic as he watched the throne room fall apart behind me. I looked back at the breaking world, then back at the magic flowing through the portal.

"I can't. If either Indigo or I move from our position, the magic will stop and the portal will reopen. I have to stay here to seal the portal."

"But—!" Aaron wanted to argue, but he knew that I was right. "Fine. I'll come in and make sure nothing hits you." He began to step inside, but before his leg had even passed all the way through, he jumped back with a yelp. "Ow! The portal—it cut me!"
He rolled up his pant leg. We both saw a thin cut on his calf. Blood beaded along the cut. It wasn't deep, but it was enough to tell us that the portal only allowed me to be inside. Aaron quickly untied his cloak and tried to toss it to me through the portal. It was repelled back. I guess once the magic began, nothing else could get in.

The Rosewood ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now