Hidden secret

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Hayat didn't have much time to dwell on Murat's words as he left. As far as she was concerned, that chapter felt as good as over. If she had kept any hopes of reconciliation initially, it had been trampled on after seeing those pictures with Cagla. Hayat looked up, praying that she has enough strength to survive the day. Her mind had been torn and she had decisions to make amidst the tornado in her life. These were decisions to be made later she thought, finally getting up to get ready for work.

Luckily for Hayat, time seemed to be flying by at the store today. She was busy enough to stop her overactive mind going in to overdrive but not to the extent that she felt inundated with the work. It was only when she finally got off work and opened her keys to the flat and saw her sofa bed, did she realise just how exhausted she was. She was quite literally ready to pounce on it and pass out when the door bell went off.

Hayat froze. It was 12am. She wasn't expecting any guests. Was it Murat again? She put the lock on the door before thinking about opening it, her other hand ready to call the police on the phone, imagining the worst case scenario. The door bell rang again and she felt her heart race. As she slowly creaked the door open, she saw a man in a red t-shirt with the sign 'Yemeksepeti' on there.

"Food delivery ma'am", he said, pointing to the brown bag in his hand.

Hayat looked at him suspiciously, "I didn't make any order. I think you've got the wrong place."

"Hayat Sarsilmaz?" he asked, looking at the receipt.

"UZUN", she retorted, taking out her anger on the poor delivery driver.

"Oh, sorry ma'am. This is for a Hayat Sarsilmaz. The app shows your address, plus this building doesn't even have lifts and I almost tripped on a loose floorboard", he said looking confused and exhausted from climbing all those stairs.

Hayat took pity on the guy. But she wasn't about to accept a dodgy food delivery addressed to her until she noticed something upon looking closely at the receipt. Order placed by Murat Sarsilmaz. Of course, she thought as she took the parcel from the food delivery guy.

She finally sat down on the sofa, the exhaustion of the day catching up with her. She opened the brown bag and saw boxes from Kenza. He had ordered her favourite Lamb Kofte, with Falafel, a bottle of Cherry Lemonade and a box of Baklavas. It's weird how he knew her so well in some ways, but in others not at all. She hadn't eaten much at all that day. It had been manic with the hospital, Emré coming over with her cargo, followed by her confrontation with Murat and then finally work at the mall. The stress of the day had meant she had completely forgotten to eat, plus she didn't feel like taking anything from Murat at the minute. As she was about to throw the empty brown bag away, she noticed a piece of paper in there.

Delivery note request - Murat Sarsilmaz
I noticed you hadn't got a chance to stock up the kitchen yet. Also, I figured you'd go to work anyway and if you did, then you'd get back pretty late. I know you're mad at me, rightfully so, but please, please don't take it out on the food.
P.S. got them to put extra lemon and spices in the kofte, just the way you like.
Love always, your really apologetic husband.

Why was her husband so infuriating?! She stared at the lamb kofte, and could tell it had been freshly made looking at the steam coming out of it. She was still mad at Murat, and this would feel like a win for him. She stared at the dishes in front of her long enough before her hungry self gave in to temptation as she devoured the meal in front of her. Kenza did the best kofte in all of Istanbul, without a doubt, she thought to herself while sipping on her cherry lemonade. She didn't think it was possible, but she was so full, she didn't have enough space for the baklavas. Hayat stood up and cleared the empty boxes before changing in to her PJ's and calling it a night, thanking God that Emré had given her the next few days off. It meant she had no excuse and couldn't avoid her problems any longer. The next few days would bring with it new problems for Hayat, but for now, she let sleep take over.

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