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Hayat had cried her eyes out when she read that note. She couldn't help but wonder, when had their relationship become so fractured that he couldn't even get himself to bid her goodbye?

At this point, she could care less about Cagla. Sure, she was notorious for her flings and regularly appeared on page 3, but her husband had a mind of his own. He had deemed it appropriate to let his ego build barriers in their relationship, despite being there for him every step of the way. When things turned sour at Sarté, amidst the power struggle between his business partners and his decision to let go of all his shares and start afresh from virtually nothing, she was always there for him. So to be treated like a two-bit something, with nothing but details of a bank account left behind, felt downright insulting. It was in that moment that Hayat promised herself she wouldn't touch that account, not withdrawing a single penny from it. Call it ego, but Hayat decided she had way too much self-respect to do so.

Just at that moment, she gets a text from Murat. "Landed safely, all checked in too. Hope you got my note."

Hayat snorted at his message. Nice of him to let me know he's alive. And even nicer that he checked in on me to see how I'm doing. Oh wait. And apparently a credit card to spend is considered adequate for a lack of communication skills these days.

Meanwhile in NYC, Murat was ready to immerse himself in work despite the jet lag. Cagla insisted he start fresh the next morning and to take the day off, suggesting maybe instead they go grab dinner somewhere. Murat paused, missing his wife's homemade food. As if he hadn't just rejected it the night before his flight. Not that he was in any mood to admit that to her. He politely declined, but Cagla wasn't one to back down, insisting Murat give her company in 'this new lonely city', telling him all about this amazing Japanese restaurant that he 'just had to try'. A few seconds of protesting later, Murat was convinced. A night in of room service, without his wife by his side didn't sound that appealing and he'd take the opportunity to divert his mind from Hayat, he thought.

Hayat had waited all day to hear something. An update. An I miss you. A call. A FaceTime  maybe? Ok fine. She knew that was probably asking for too much. She felt pathetic noting the number of times she had picked up her phone and checked for notifications. So she did what any millennial would. Refreshed her Instagram for about the 14th time that day out of sheer boredom and the need to be distracted. Although this time she saw a repost on a fashion account that made her eyes grow wide in shock.

Was that..Murat and Cagla cosying up at that Japanese restaurant Novikov?! And hold up. Hayat zoomed in further. Of course Murat's paying, as she eyed the corner of his gold American Express card in the background on the table. This was the last straw. Sure, she didn't think he'd be out there cooking for himself, eating dinner alone, but he had made no effort to contact her all day after landing.

Hayat had reason to worry about a lot of things but honestly, she was done with the self-pity. If he wanted to be in touch, he would. No message is also a message, she told herself. With an action plan in mind, but no appetite for food, she called it a day and tried to get some sleep.

The next morning, Murat was up bright and early to meet the investors in person and discuss the details around the summer line. For a man that was usually so focused, he couldn't help but wonder what his wife would be up to. However each time his mind took him there, he convinced himself this was all part of his long term plan. How else was he supposed to provide a life for her that he had promised? Sure, they may have their differences but in essence, all of this was for her.

Back in Istanbul, Hayat was on a mission. Her morning had started early. After doing up her CV and updating it with all the odd jobs she had done over the years, including her stint at Sarté, she took today's newspaper and circled all the jobs she thought she could do. She may not have the money to fund further studies now, but that needn't stop her from working entry level jobs. She grew up believing no job was ever too small, as long as you got an honest income out of it.

This soon became a cycle for Hayat. Waking up, checking her e-mails for any responses from employers, circling jobs and tailoring her CV and application to apply to each one. She'd often be distracted by the pictures of Murat and her across the living room. A bitter reminder of what they once had, in comparison to where they were at now. It had been days and she still hadn't heard anything from Murat. Soon, she just stopped checking her phone because she knew he was trying to make his point be heard on her insecurity. Strange, how despite the disappointment and resentment she felt in him, she couldn't help but wonder if he was eating well. She knew how much she'd have to nag him to put his laptop down and work aside to find time for lunch. Despite it all, she'd hoped he was taking care of himself. She almost pitied herself at one point, for having to rely on Instagram updates and gossip columns to catch a glimpse of her husband.

After a few days of job applications, and several job rejections later, Hayat began feeling demoralised. She had promised herself she wouldn't use the money left behind by Murat but she had bills to pay soon and desperation slowly set in as she picks up her phone.

"Hi Emre, it's Hayat. Hope you're keeping well. Can you call me when you see this please? Thanks"

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