"I think before is better and I just want to be small. Just the family. Maybe we could do it at Surfside beach?" I love the idea the instant she mentions it.

"I love that. Why don't we do it before winter really hits?"

"Yeah, we could do it on Halloween. The beach with pumpkins would be beautiful." I picture Em in a wedding dress and I don't care whether there are pumpkins or pinatas as decorations, just as long as she becomes my wife.

"Decorate however you want. As long as I get to marry you, I'll be a happy man." She smiles.

"Cora, what do you think of being a flower girl for mommy and daddy?" She perks up, then a wide smile crosses her face.

"Do I get a pretty dress?"

"Of course you do!" The smile widens.


"Do we have a plan then?" She looks at me and smiles all goofy.

"Yeah, we do!"

We finish dinner with big smiles and I can't help, but think I won the jackpot.

I got the girl of my dreams and our daughter. Now she's gonna marry me and we are going to have a baby soon.

"I'll clean the kitchen. You can give Cora a bath." I kiss her cheek and take her plate and Cora's into the kitchen.

"Thanks, Brax." She and Cora head upstairs.

I have the dishes in the dishwasher and the table wiped down in no time, so I head upstairs to listen in on bath time.

Not even halfway up the stairs I hear giggles.

I sit outside the bathroom, not wanting to interrupt. Everything is muffled, but I can still hear it clearly.

"Mommy, I want more bubbles! Is my bwother gonna take baths too? Will he sleep in my room?"

She's full of questions, but Emily is experienced with that.

"Okay, I'll add more bubbles. Yes, he's gonna take baths, but he won't be in the big tub yet, he will have a baby tub. He's gonna sleep in mommy and daddy's room for a while." I can hear the smile in her voice.

"When are you marrying daddy?"

"Soon, baby girl. Really, soon. I can't wait to marry your daddy." I can't wait either. I have already started counting down the days until I can make her my wife. I will forever be grateful she's taken me back.

"I'm tired, mommy." I hear Cora yawn and I frown. It's probably past her bedtime.

"I know, let me grab your towel and you can go night night soon."
I walk to Cora's room and grab her favorite pair of pajamas, so Em doesn't have to go get them.

When she opens the bathroom door I hand them to her. She looks up with surprise.

"Thank you." I reply with a wink.

"Lift your arms up. Okay, sit down for me." I stand by the door and wait for them.

When I hear them finish, I walk into the bathroom.

"Ready for bed, buttercup?" She yawns and I pick her up.

I walk to her room and lay her in bed.

"Which story do you want tonight?" Em walks past Cora's room and heads toward the bedroom, hopefully she's getting ready for bed too.

"The princess one!" I grab the book and lay down beside her.

I start reading the book and doing different voices, like I've seen Emily do countless times.

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