Chapter 3

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Everyone is dead. Izuku's eyes followed the streaks of blood to the center of the town. Flies buzzed by as he made it through the sea of bodies. He remembered every face. The old lady gave him some candy to pick up something heavy, the twins down the road were always hyper and fun to play with, and the store owner only had knives for sale. Numerous projectiles were scattered about, either sticking into walls or bodies. Sword cuts imprinted onto the old-style architecture tell Izuku how one-sided the fight was.

His shoes couldn't help but step in blood as a wave of death rams through his nostrils. In an alleyway, a mother held tight to her son. Izuku was all the time at the playground, clutched into her arms as flies swarmed above. The Moon kept the dark from censoring more scenes for the young boy. Izuku shook his head in disbelief and ran down the main street. After a few avenues, he turned right and past the historic building and into a compound surrounded by high walls free from any gore—Izuku's home.

Ragged breathing echoed through the entrance as Izuku took a recovering breath and screamed out for somebody, "Hello! Mother! Father! Please say something! Anyone..."

Other than two dead Uchiha police officers, the house was almost untouched. Painting left at the exact angles mother out up, and ancient Uchiha weapons left on display. The kitchen was the same when Izuku left in the morning. The rickety floorboards creaked as always, showing Izuku the only door open. He swallows whatever liquid is stuck in his throat before entering his parent's meditation room. Izuku already knew the outcome, but he denied the thought. The room where he and his brother learned to channel their Sharingan while their father judged not far from where his body lay. Next to him was his wonderful mother, who always lit the room with her smile. If they're dead, then what happens to his brother, Itachi?

A solid wisp penetrates the sliding door, following a thud. Izuku's head cocked behind to see a burning flaming dangling off a kunai. It jumped to the wooden décor and paper oriental hanging onto the walls. Picture frames burned along with happy memories as thick, black smoke began to surround the boy. Two more kunai hurled as it released more of its sudden flame near Izuku's exit. Trapping him inside. He looks led and right before deciding to jump through the sliding door and lands on his back facing the front gate. A quiet cry escaped Izuku's mouth as a stinging sensation flowed across his spine and back. In what seemed like a mere second, more than half of his childhood home was burning—blue wisps of fire streaked across the air as a final goodbye. His parent's bodies were still inside.

Izuku kept himself from hurdling through the burning house to retrieve dead people, even if they were his parents. He helped himself to his feet and past his home gate. His home wasn't the only one burning. A tsunami of fire crashed on top of every building within the village. Other than the crackle of burning wood, everything was quiet—no human screams of terror or helplessness. He is the only one alive. Brim smoke crafted a blanket of visible smoke that cloaks the sky. Pops and thuds and crackles continued as Izuku's vision became blurred. His breathing goes heavy and even. The taste of blood and ash clogs his throat. Izuku collapsed to his knees. "Who would do this?" Izuku asks before falling unconscious as smoke and brim continue falling on top of him. Subconscience tears are dry on Izuku's cheek as the heat from his blazing childhood home.

Helicopters chop over the Uchiha town, flashing bright floodlights, surveying the damage. What or who caused such sudden destruction? Heroes swatted through the massive wooden etched with the Uchiha clan emblem in old kanji and gone with hundreds of years of ancient history.

The doctor scribbles on his clipboard with a bit of frustration. How Izuku explains the events is different from what the police reports. And he passed outside his home instead of inside. Izuku rarely mentions Itachi, yet he is the culprit according to Izuku. Something is wrong. The doctor erases and edits some of the details in the police reports. He's too nice, but the child should not get into more trouble. Not good for his health.

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